Off to The Races Part III

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Off To The Races Part III

"Blackmailing? How on Earth is she blackmailing us? Exactly over what?" Ester said, removing herself from the embrace Anthony had her in.

"Apparently she had been doing research of her own before she got here on eligible suitors, their families, their history and evidence of that nature." Ester looked puzzled. Her eyebrows in a weird way that would indicate her misunderstanding.

What's a little research?

"She came across our wedding documents and this is the information she found." Anthony pulled out a copy of the documents that they had signed after their wedding with Daphne, Simon and her family as witnesses. The Chaplain had also signed...

"Where is the Chaplain's Signature?" Ester said looking at the paper, that she knew the Chaplain had signed, she saw it....they were there...he did sign it.

But the longer she stared at the paper, the longer she looked hoping his name would magically resign itself, or for Anthony to tell her it's a cruel joke, the more they never happened.

"So how is she--"

"Blackmailing us? Simple, she claims as the Chaplain never signed the documents we are not legitimately married." Ester dropped the paper, and moved the sit down. Her whole body felt warm, then cold and covered her arms and shoulders and legs with goosebumps.

The warmth of the fire was nothing compared to the realization of what was happening.

"So, if....if were not..married?" Ester questioned, her hand starting to tremble.

"Edmund and Jacob are considered illegitimate bastards." Ester didn't know what else to do, but she cried. It was such a stupid thing to do but she was crying not for herself but for her children.

"Ester, dear don't cry. Please." Anthony came over and held her shoulders tightly, rubbing her freshly brushed hair down and in circles for comfort.

After a few more minutes of Ester's tears and Anthony's comfort, she finally came down from the fresh wave of tears.

"How is she using it as blackmail and why is she blackmailing you?" Ester asked, wiping her eyes and nose with the handkerchief Anthony already had out.

"She is trying to get me to marry her sister instead. Trying to threaten to tell the Queen and Lady Whistledown. I've tried to avoid telling you but I'm feeling better that I have. It means we can win this race together."

Ester looked at Anthony and sighed. Thinking for a moment, trying to process what on Earth they could do about this.

"So she wants you to marry her sister to stake their claim here in England, collect your money as a pension for Kate and their mother as well as the dowry from Edwina? So they are ultimately scamming us." Anthony nodded.

"Why don't we just apprehend the blackmailer and get married elsewhere?" Anthony sighed.

"I thought about that too Es but after Benedict and I talked it over she could just show the new document and explain that we weren't married until that day. Our boys would still be bastards."

Ester growled and stood up. She paced the room awhile and looked into the fire.

"So this is what Benedict was trying not to tell me? This is why Kate Sharma is so quick in her attitude with me?" Anthony nodded and sat in the chair she had previously been sitting in.

Ester continued rambling to try and verbally work out the situation.

"If only there was someone we knew would could investigate this and be discrete. Not tell anyone yet get the job done but the only people who could do that are....oh my gosh!" Anthony hearing Ester's voice change into a higher tone, stood up and walked over to her.

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