A Talk

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*Clover Cookie's POV*

  When I stood in this room a sensation flew over me, I felt powerless...weak compared to the situation I am in, I'm nothing but a mere pawn in this game of life.

"Your name."

"Huh...?" The cookie standing before me canceled out my thoughts. My name? Should I tell her... I panicked and said "C-CLOVER...!" What.Had.I.Just.Said.... I told her my name...
"Well...Clover Cookie would you mind telling me where the Cookie Kingdom is..?"

  After a minute of silence, I had finally gained enough strength to say " I won't tell you anything..." I attempted to hid the nervousness in my voice but I had failed to do so. Glancing around the room again, I could tell that some of the cookies were getting frustrated at me, especially Pomegranate Cookie. "Oh, but that was not a request it was AN ORDER." I began to start shaking, I could feel my heart beating at the speed of light.

"N-NO" I yelled. The cookie was clearly getting anger and said "I will give you ONE last chance for you to tell me..." Should I just just tell her... It felt like death, themselves was standing infront of me. I could not speak, my throat felt dry and sore. "I will never tell you..."

  She spoke angerly saying, " We will try again tomorrow, meanwhile bring him no food or water as punishment" No food or water... I suppose that's a fair price to pay...

   The next day

I awoke in the same cold room I was in yesterday. I'm hungry... I looked at the chains to see if I could somehow open the locks. Sadly it failed... I flinched when I heard the heavy looking wooden door open. And... It was the cookie I had came here for. He had a tray of food and a water bottle in his hands.

"I don't like going against Entrances Cookie but I suppose that I will make an exception, JUST THIS ONCE THOUGH" He yelled this quietly with his face turning a slight pink colour. I was very grateful that this cookie had brought me food. As he turned to leave, I grabbed the bit of his cloak that I could reach and whispered as loudly as possible "Wait, what's your name...?" He looked as if he was debating if he should tell me or not.

"Licorice Cookie, and that's a name you should remember!"

A/N: I'm so grateful that so many people have seen this story. I wish you a very good day/night (つ≧▽≦)つ   

A Tale of Two Lovers|Licorice×Clover CookieWhere stories live. Discover now