Wakey Wakey

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*Herb Cookie's POV*

I stood there frozen in place, I was too shocked to move. Infront of me there were two cookies. One was the cookie he had been looking for and the other... I couldn't tell who this cookie was. All he knew what that this cookie had hurt Clover.

Clover was chained to the ground, unconscious and hurt while the other cookie stood infront of him. Without thinking I lunged towards the mysterious cookie who had attacked Clover. As soon as I did this he threw me off. "What the hell!?" He yelled. I could could feel tears falling onto my face even though I was not crying anymore.

As he started to summon something I grabbed his cloak, pulling him to the ground. When he was on the ground I stood above him and quickly, I kicked him hard enough for anyone to be unconscious. As I saw that he had been knocked out I ran to Clover.

I checked his vitals and he was still alive just hurt. I shook him to see if he would wake up and there was no response. Upon seeing this I picked up the bard and put him on my back. He wasn't light yet he wasn't heavy either he was perfect weight for his age.

Before I left, I delivered one last kick to the dirty ass cookie on the floor. After getting enough revenge to satisfy me, I left with Clover on my back. This was quite a difficult task to complete. Finding the exit was going to be very hard. I heard talking from a distance. Should I listen in or continue to run away? I thought to myself.


I decided that it would be a good idea to listen in. I pressed my ear up to the door and began to listen. The voices were muffled yet I was still able to hear them. "YOU DID WHAT!?"

"I-im...sorry" I was lacking context to this conversation so I continued to listen in. "So...let me get this straight you met a complete stranger and ran away INTO OUR CASTLE when they asked you a question you didn't like!?" I assume that the cookie was now talking about me. It would be smart to run now so I did. I ran looking for the exit. After around 15 minutes of searching I finally found it... The exit!

As soon as I took a step out I had encountered a cookie that I had also never seen before. This is really bad... I told myself. I was out of breath so it would be really hard to run away again. The cookie looked me dead in the eyes, locking contact and spoke "You will regret attempting to take him away." She pointed to a Clover who was still unconscious.

What did Clover end up getting himself into anyway...!?

A Tale of Two Lovers|Licorice×Clover CookieWhere stories live. Discover now