I Am The AntiChrist To You - Kishi Bash
2:01────I─────4:55↺͏͏ ◁◁͏͏ ll ▷▷ ⋮≡
One for my heart and two for show
Three tears for all the souls below
One day we turned them into figurines
Burned them all
with all my favorite things┘
FREDBEARS FAMILY DINER BURNS TO THE GROUND!FredBears Family Diner burned to the ground late last night around 12:00.
7 bodies were found, and upon further investigation 5 of the 7 bodies were children. They all ranged in the ages of 6 to 11 years old.
Upon further investigation the kids name were released to the public.
The children were later identified as Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, Fritz, and Cassidy.
The body of a male adult ranging in the age of his early to mid 40's was later found and identified to be the Ex Co-Owner of FredBears Family Diner.
William Vincent Afton
But the most shocking revelation of this story came from Forensic Investigators. The Investigators said that upon entering the charred building they were met with two skeletons holding each other in a loving embrace.
Forensic Investigators desperately tried to identify the unidentifiable woman, but to their surprise the woman was marked unknown in all Government Listings. "There's not even a single match of DNA that connects anyone to this woman." An Investigator said.
The FBI quickly took over the case upon hearing the claims. They quickly discovered that what they heard was true, for this mysterious woman that was in a loving embrace with William Afton was not from this world.
One of the Investigators from the scene began crying as he explained, "It's like their love was forbidden. They were holding each other in such a loving embrace, yet the stars deemed their love to fail.
Yes that's it. That's what William Afton and his alluring lover are.
They're Star-Crossed Lovers."
The End