Chapter 4 : All of me- John

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"Almost forgot. What's your name ma?"

"I'm Vicky Carter and 18 by the way" I simply say.

"Haha, really? Well I am Christopher, Christopher Mike Jr. 21 by the way" he smiles and touches the back of his neck.

I nodd and we keep walking in silence.
"Can I ask you sum?" Chris finaly says.

"I'm listening"

"How come you hang around these types of girls? I know for sure y'all not even friends" He stops and stares at me.
"Let me ask you something else. Why are you so conceirned about me?"

He giggles and keeps walking to a random direction.

"Hum, I don't live around here" I tell him.
"I figured" He takes out his cellphone, but I notice a gun in his back pocket. Chris calls someone, but I can barely hear what they're talking about.

He turns around and I guess he notices the scared expression on my face.
"why you scared for?"

I point towards his gun. I know niggas around here carry one sometimes, but I don't see that often. I also know it ain't the one from his security work.

"This?" He looks at his gun and before he can say anything, the same black car he was in earlier pulls next to us. This time, it's some other black guy. I realize it's that 2nd mall security boy that was with Christopher earlier.

The guy puts down the car's window.
"Damn Marv, you got here quick" Chris yells.

"Nigga, tell me why you left your Mazda at some random place." Marv yells back.
Chris laughs and turns to me. "Vicky, let's get in the car"

He walks up to the car and expect me to follow him. Like a gentleman, he opens the door for me, but I just stand there.

Chris turns around and I'm sort of intimidated by his look, but I try to cover my fear.

"Y'all some drug dealers. Aren't you?"
Both of them stare at me and don't say a word.

"You seem like good people, but there's no way I'll hang around you guys."
I walk away and I'm surprised that they don't follow me.

They take another road and I'm lowkey disapointed that I might never get to see Chris' fine self again.

Thanks for reading guys (:
I just wrote this part of the story in class lmao

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