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Its 10:03am, I'm supposed to be in physics rn but i absolutely cant focus

I feel like,, idk, like im in a dream? But i know im awake. Im currently walking in circles just outside my class bc i feel like if i dont move ill either pass out or explode. I tried to pay attention, but im not absorbing any information whatsoever, no matter what i do. Its like tossing and turning in bed all night, and then you look up and the sun is rising. Youve spent all night trying to sleep, and youre exhausted, and you would give anything just to close your eyes and rwst, but nothing you give will mean anything.

Any attempts to focus are fruitless; its like my mind is shrouded in a thick haze of zleepy fog. Like im nearing the end of a dream, my eyes are heavy, my body feels weirdly light and foreign, i cant process anythinh and no matter what i do i cant snap out of it. I pause my pacing to stretch out my calves, the sharp sensation of my muscles pulling apart snaps my lower half out of the haze. But i c an t stretch like that forever. I resume my pacing

I stretch out one arm as i follow my oval path, swinging it back and forth at my side in the hopes of breaking out of the haze, but to no avail. I stretch and twist and squirm and shift, nothinbg is helping

I dont know what to do. I cant escape

Its has only been 10 minutes.

It feels like 10 hours

Welcome to my own personal hell


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