Chapter 1

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If someone would've told me I'd be on my third relationship, but my second time falling for my partner I wouldn't believe it. Well let's recap, I married Abby on a wild night in Vegas. As soon as I said I do I knew I would regret it, that moment came quickly. I wanted an annulment the next morning, I had already gathered the annulment papers before she even woken up. I felt like I had failed my mom, I wasn't in the right frame of mind and I needed to get better. So after that insane period in my life I packed my bags and moved home, the Windy City of Chicago. That's were I met the love of my life, Erin Lindsay!
     Erin was love at first sight, she changed my life. She was everything thing I imagined and more, she made the hard days bearable, and the good days worth it. My ex wife came back into the picture, and I did the one I know I should've never done. I kept a secret, from her and it blew up in my face. I always begged her to let me in, and when it was my turn I decided to bottle it all in. I know the team blames her for what happened to me, but if I'm being honest with myself it's all my fault. I knew she could carry the load, I was just afraid that she would say my load was to heavy and leave. Instead I pushed her away, I broke her heart. Every man that has come into her life, has hurt her. I promised myself I would be different, but it turns out I'm just like the rest of them.
     Now on to Hailey, she was there when the shit hit the fan when Erin left. I hated her because she was just the replacement. She couldn't replace Erin, no one could. Over time she grew on me, she stuck beside me and helped me when life got rough. One day she got the exact same offer, but Hailey picked me. That's why we're together today, some one picked me for a chance. We've been dating for 2 months, and I asked her to marry me, I'm not getting any younger and I want a family.
     Everything was going great, but lately she been acting weird, very paranoid and she not sleeping at night. I honestly don't understand what is happening. I asked Hank and he told me she killed Roy, and that he got rid of the body. I was furious, so I punched him in the face. This wasn't the first time he's brought someone I loved down. I asked Hailey what happened that night and she told me, I couldn't believe it. How could I blame Hank when she went on her own will, Hank didn't put a gun to her head and make her go. I was so blinded by love that I dismissed all the signs, she's was just trying to replace Erin. She wanted that power and control that Erin had. She wanted to be his right hand so bad, I thought this was what I wanted but I'm not sure anymore.
     I have to start building a life I want my kids to have. My fiancé is a murderer, and all she wants is to be Hanks right hand. How I can I stand by her and not feel compelled to leave?

Chapter 1

"Hey Jay, we're going to Molly's tonight. Do you wannna go?"

"Nah Ruz, I'm good I have to do something this weekend I'll see you all Monday."

"Jay, where are you going? I didn't know you had plans this weekend."

"It's personal, but I'll call you later."

"You can tell me!"

"It's personal, I'm not ready to say yet!"

"Well okay then, are you going to be gone the whole weekend?"

"Yea, but I'll be back Monday before shift!"

"Alright, I'll see you Monday then! Love you!"

"Alright bye guys, have fun at Molly's!"

     After that Jay left, but wouldn't return till Monday. So for that entire weekend Hailey laid in the bed alone worrying about Jay. He never mentioned spending the weekend away, so Hailey thought it was strange. The rest of the team also thought it was strange to, but no one questioned it. As long as he returned for his shift on Monday all would be fine.
     When Jay returned that Monday something was different, he was now the one acting strange. No one knew what had happened, but what ever happened changed him for sure. His focus for the job started slipping and everyone noticed it, but it wasn't until Hank told him he was starting to slip again that he then realized.
    Jay didn't really care, he had more important things to worry about. Jay had 5 days to get himself together before leaving again. No one knew what happening behind the scene, but as the week went on Jay started getting happier.

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