Chapter 3

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I know I shouldn't be keeping this secret, but I have no choice. I'm still trying to navigate through everything, and I know that when I get to Molly's they're going to ask me where I've been. I can tell them where I've been, but I can't tell them who I've been with. One reason being, she doesn't want them to know she's in town and the other reason is because there's a lot a stake.

Chapter 3
Before Adam was able to say anything, he saw Jay walking through the crowd heading back to their table.

"Hey guys!"


"Okayyy, so finish telling me about the game the other night."

"Right, so......."

"Jay can we talk?"

"Adam was about to tell me about the game."

"This is more important!"

"Fine, we'll be back guys."

Hailey lead the way as Jay followed closely behind her. He could tell that she was pissed, but this night in particular he really didn't care.

"Are you going to tell me the truth?"

"Truth about what?"

"The truth about you actually not going to therapy today."

"What are you talking about, I did go!"

"Cut the bullshit Jay, you didn't. I followed you to a hotel."

"Are you serious?"

"I saw you Jay, you didn't go to therapy. That smile you had on your face was different."

"I can't believe you!"

"Who is she jay?"

In that moment she saw him panic, that's when she knew there was another woman. She didn't understand, their relationship was going so well.

"Hailey right now I just want to focus on me, I've been so wrapped up in what you did that I've lost myself. That's why I talk to someone. Right now my plate is too full, I want.."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"All I'm asking for is space, you can stay at the apartment, but I will be staying with Will."

"Woah, slow down! Your moving out and your staying with your brother?"

"It would be best for both of us!"

"Jay, I d...."

"Lets get inside before they start asking more questions."

Hailey was so shocked at what just happened, she wanted to cry. There was no understanding to what just happened. She started off the day engaged, but now they are separated. She thinks back to the Roy situation, and now she's realizing things might actually be over.

Unfortunately for all of them, that peace and calm wouldn't last much longer. Jay continued to do the same thing work the weekdays, then leave on the weekends, sometimes he would stay but visit different hotels. He started keeping his life more private, and closed off. Hank repeatedly sat him down and spoke to him about it, but it was going in one ear and out the other. The team tried to get to him, but they was losing that battle too. The only person who could get to him was his brother, since they had been living together they've gotten much closer.

"Will, there's something going on with Jay. He's been leaving every weekend, he broke things off with Hailey, hell he moved out, and apparently seeing someone in a hotel. This isn't like Jay to be sneaking around, can you help us."

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