Chapter 5

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You know I was never that guy, I never felt like I had anyone in my corner. I always felt I had to deal with everything on my own, it wasn't until I joined Intelligence that I realized I had people that actually cared about me. They've helped me so much, even when I was at my worse they've stuck with me. Because of them I've been happy these last few years, even Hailey made me, but there was always something missing.
     Erin, she was always the missing puzzle piece in my life. Since the first day that I met her, I just knew she would brighten up my world. She did just that, she had me considering places to retire within the first few weeks of us meeting. She has my heart, and I like to think she always did. It's something about her dimples that always make feel like a little school boy looking at his crush.

Chapter 5

"Huh, what are you talking about? Haileys your ex-fiancé, are you okay Jay?"

"Yea, I'm in pain but I'm fine. Where is m.."

Erin stood in the doorframe with tears in her eyes, Will was holding her hand on the outside of the door for reassurance. When Jay was about to ask for his wife again, Will gave Erin a little shove.

"Hi handsome!"


"Yea, I'm here babe."

"I missed you!"

"You saw us this morning!"

"So, I want to see you every morning!!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Do want to tell them or should I?"

"You got this!"

"I'm officially Erin Halstead, wife of my best friend and former partner Jay Halstead!"

"Excuse me rewind that statement again."

"I'm officially Erin Halstead, wife of my best friend and former partner Jay Halstead!"

"B...but when did this happen?"

"I proposed last Saturday, and then we got married on Monday."

"When did you reconnect?"

"You all remember that weekend before the Blackhawks played in the playoff game. Well I actually took a flight to New York."

"So you've been seeing her for months?"

"Yea, she was my therapy!"

"I'm confused, you and Hailey were engaged until recently, but your married to Erin?"

"Me and Hailey called off our engagement months ago, actually not long after I came back."

"Why did you go to New York?"

"I wanted to find her."


"Cause 10 years from now I only saw Erin and my kids. I wanted a life I was proud of, before I found Erin I wasn't proud nor happy. I was getting by, and didn't want that. I got to a point where I was tired of trying to fill a void, I wanted to come home to a wife and kids. Erin had always been in that dream for me. So when I found her in New York, there was no way in hell I was letting her go again."

"So you've been together since then?"

"Yea, after a few visit we decided to pursue a long distance relationship. Jay would come out on weekends, and I would come out whenever I was free. Like this week."

At that point Will walked into the room with a grumpy five year old in his hands. Everyone turned to face the door, they all had a confused look on their face.

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