Chapter 10

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Everything was going great until a knock on the door, and on the other side would bring back old guest!

Allie!!! What are you doing here?

"My parents saw you and will in town, so I thought I come visit. You know growing up you never invited me here!"

"This place is sacred, so I never wanted anyone to come here!"

"Okay, but are you going to give me a tour?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, we're really busy right now. We're also trying to get settled in."

"JJ, you always have time for me!"

"Allie, I have my family here and we're just trying to get settled in. So if you don't mind can you go and maybe we can meet you in town for lunch or something."

"I never thought you would try and get rid of me, but I guess......"

"Babe, will said we grill out back tonight!"

Allie looked at Jay, and became more curious about who the woman's voice was. Jay stood there before caving in, "Allie this is my.....".

"Ahh you the new girlfriend, I'll tell you now he's not the settling type. He will give you the world and then he will leave."

"Allie, this is my wife!"

"Nice to meet you Allie, I've heard great things about you!"


"That's why I didn't want you in here, so now that you've not only disrespected my home, and wife you've also disrespected me. I think it's best if you go now."

With that Jay closed the door and turned around to a shocked Erin. He never thought Allie would pull a stunt like that, but then again he hasn't seen her in over 10 years. Jay continued to look at Erin until she started laughing.

"Why are you laughing babe?"

"Did she think telling me all of that would make me runaway, cause baby I'm locked in forever. I know it made you upset when she judged your character, she doesn't know you. I know you babe, and I would never take someone word that hasn't spent the last 10 years knowing the man you are today. So push out everything she just said, and hep me prep for the grill."

"I love you!"

I've never questioned it, I love you too!"

Jay and Erin walked towards the kitchen hand in hand. For a moment he was scared but his girl always reassured to him that nothing will ever make him walk away. She meant that, Jay is the man she's going to spend the rest of her life with, and she wouldn't have it any other way. They started preparing all of their ingredients when they heard a little thud. Erin was going to head back, but then Will yelled that he would get her. Erin was very grateful for her Halstead boys, because they were very protective of the Halstead ladies.

"This little monkey was jumping in the bed, and she fell down and bumped her head."

"Is she okay?"

"Yea, I told her we should put an ice pack in it. Toss me one out the freezer Jay!"

"Lucky us for bringing a long a doctor!!"

"Yea you are! Did you guys finish prepping?"

"We just finished, so I'll take Ri while you and Jay go put your skills to work. We're very hungry ladies, that don't like to be kept waiting!"

"If I've learned anything about Erin, it's that her hangry version is much more scarier. Ladies we will be outside."

"While we're out I'll start a small bonfire if my girls want to head out with us."

"That sounds wonderful! I'll grab us a blanket"

Bonfire, grill and open skies were all they could've ever imagine. These were the moments they prayed for, quality time and family. After heading outside both Erin and Riley experienced their first meteor shower, and both brothers in full effect. In the back of Erin heads, she knew she shouldn't get too comfortable. When it came to her mother she could never stay optimistic. That was tomorrows problem, tonight she would just enjoy the moment.

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