𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯

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I wake up refreshed and all ready to get my lightsaber crystal. I get dressed and realize that I have a hologram message from Ahsoka. I pick it up and someone I know appears on it. At first, I think that this he has kidnapped Ahsoka but then I see that Soka is behind him! He tells me that he has kidnapped Ahsoka and that he has kidnapped her because she is his new padawan! 

I get dressed really quickly and run Ahsoka's room to find that she is meditating. "O-Oops! Sorry, Soka! I didn't realize that you were meditating!" I tell her. "Don't worry it's fine. Everything is perfectly fiiiine." she replies. "Miss Ma'am, why are you acting like a hippie? It isn't because of your new master, I hope." "NOOOOooooo... Ok, maybe it is. I'm just so happy!" she says, get up and dancing with me. We do that for a while until I get called up to the Council Room. "Bye, Soka! I hope I get to go on a mission with you some time!"

When I reach the Council Room entrance, I see a few other younglings my age and Master Fisto. "Hi Master Fisto!" I say cheerfully. "Why, hello (y/n)! It is wonderful to see you!" he replies, flashing his amazing smile. Everybody loves his smile. It simply makes everyone happy! We go into the Council Room for the Council (wow who knew) to brief us on what we are going to do on Ilum even though everybody knew already.

Everyone goes onto a small ship that blasts into hyperspace immeadiately when we get into actual space. Amazed by the colors, I sat near the window for at least an hour until Master Fisto came by. "Beautiful, isn't it." he said. "Yeah," I say, "I've only been in space a couple times and the colors always amaze me." "Well, when you get to be a padawan, you will get to go on many adventures in the big galaxy." Master Fisto says mysteriously. After a day of exploring the ship, Master Fisto calls us into the cockpit and explains to us the meaning of this particular journey. He says that this is very important and we can choose to help each other, but make sure to find a crystal and get out before the water freezes, for if you don't you will most definitely die. He also says that he cannot interfere with our findings and that this journey will be very much guided by the Force. When he finishes, he tells us to get a good night's rest, becuase we have a very big day ahead of us.

The next day, I got dressed and eat a very nice breakfast before we go down to the surface of Ilum. Now I actually notice the other younglings and start to make friends. This one youngling, Abeshi, a Twi'lek who had an amazing blue skin tone, was also friends with Ahsoka, but she was so afraid to go to Ilum that they had to almost pull her out of the training room. I assured her that she would get a crystal and be amazing with her lightsaber.

___ ___ ___ 

"Alright younglings, we need to open the kyber cave together with the force," Master Fisto said calmly. We opened up the ice cave and found Master Yoda there waiting for us.

(time skip due to me not wanting to write the whole speech and everyone knows what happens anyways 🙂)

We all enter the cave and go different ways. I go into a tunnel in the middle and start touching the walls and using the force to find my crystal. I hear something calling to me and I look up realizing its up on a wall. I remember Ahsoka telling me that she had to climb up a wall for her's, but, um, thats kinda dumb. I use the force and float up to the wall to grab my crystal. I found some footholds in the wall and use them to stand on while I wedge my crystal out from the wall. Then, I float down as casually as I could because inside I was singing: 'Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can, spins a web, any size, catches thieves, eats those guys, hey wait!, don't do that Spiderman.' 

I look for the exit after making sure that the kyber was actually real and not just a glittering piece of ice. Thankfully, it was real. Come here, y/n. Please come over here. I need you, please. We are one, just come over here. I hear something begging me to come over through the force, so I follow it to a frozen waterfall. I realize that of course getting my kyber crystal was too easy and there is going to be a better challenge to test me. 

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