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Peppi, Ahsoka, and I ride a giant cow tick thing to the perlote trees. We reach the trees and see Senator Amidala's ship. "Where are they?" I ask Ahsoka and Peppi. We jump off of the giant tick and look around. The ground is mostly dirt but I still try to avoid the places with mud, which means floating above the ground. "Their tracks end right here," Ahsoka commented. I look over to Peppi and I hear a whirring noise. Now Peppi grows taller and I look down to see a search scope. I pull Ahsoka behind a tree root and she grabs Peppi. "It's a scope. We have to be very quite and not let it see us," I say. It goes down and we come out from our cover.

___ ___ ___

"I better com Obi-Wan and Anakin," Ahsoka states, "Master, are you there?" "Did you find her?" the voice of Anakin comes over. "Nope," I say, "We're pretty sure she and Binks are inside the lab, and the whole entire place is wired with pressure sensors. We can't get in without setting one off. But Ahsoka and I can still go in and save-" "Y/n, do not attempt to get inside," Obi-Wan advised, "I need you to detonate a bunker bomb at the southend of the facility. It should cause a good distraction and seal off the bomb area, while we come in through the hatches." he says showing us a diagram, then coming up on our holo. "You can count on us," Ahsoka chimes in. "Rex, Cody, and some of their men will be right be you, Snips," Anakin says, "They'll have your back."

___ ___ ___

It's night and the giant cow has decided to stop eating and return to Peppi. Ahsoka and I wait for the sensor scopes to go down, and then each grab a bomb and maneuver them around the cameras so they will not be seen. We fly them around until we are spotted by multiple cameras and Ahsoka yells "Now!" The bombs cause a huge explosion and he hide behind the root to cover our ears and faces. Three clone gunships fly over our heads. "Meesa come too?" Peppi Bow asks, frightened. "No. Stay here and make sure no one escapes. One droid gets past you, and we are all doomed," I say, adjusting my jacket. "Hmph. Okeyday," she agrees.

The clones come zooming in on their ziplines. Ahsoka and I ignite our lightsabers and jump down into the lab. We land in a fighting position in front of the men so we can block the lasers from getting to them. I deflect the droid's lasers back at them and cut them up. Rex, Ahsoka and I go forward as we cut up and blast more Super Battle Droids. Droidekas (you know, the rolly things with the shields) come toward us and Ahsoka and I shout "Fall back!" in unison. We continue to go back until Rex comes up to us with droid freezers and we deactivate a whole bunch of droids. "I can't hold them, Ahsoka!" I panted. Suddenly, the ceiling came crashing down on the droidekas. "Need some help?" Obi-Wan asks atop the rubble. "Master! Thank goodness you're here!" I say greatfully.

"Things are going well," Master Kenobi says, "The lab is secure and hopefully Anakin has reached Padme by now." We run into a different hallway and fire up or sabers to fight off more droids. "I'll get the bombs," he says. "I'm coming with you, Obi," I announce. "And I'll keep the droids occupied," Soka finishes. Several clones follow us as we run down the hallways. "So what's been going on?" "Oh, you know, Anakin had to make sure he got to Senator Amidala in time, and I had to tell him not to jepordize the mission over her. I think there's something going on in between them." "Definitely. I haven't even met Padme but I can tell from the way Anakin was like 'and you let her go?' when we landed he cared greatly." "So, how do you like your mission so far?" "Well, I was about to infiltrate this place when we commed and you said not to so I guess it's been fun. The men are really nice."

We enter the bomb room and it is filled with over a hundred bombs. "Well, looks like the bomb room," a trooper said. "Yes, and luckily, they appear to be inactive," Obi-Wan replies. Suddenly, they all turn on with a monotonous beeping sound. "Uh, Master? I think you spoke too soon." I worriedly say. "We need to get these unactive now!" he yells, "Anakin, I'm guessing you didn't get the doctor!" "I'm working on it! Do you have the bombs?" "We're working on it!" I chime in. "Dr. Vindi has remotely activated the bombs. They're counting down." I slice the wires on the bombs with my lightsaber. "That's great!" "And on top of that, one of them seems to be missing!" Master Kenobi complains."It's down here somewhere. Ahsoka we got another situation. Send all of the clones to search the facility." "We got a miss-" "Master?" "I guess they've bumped into each other. How wonderful," I say. "Now is not the time for sarcasm, y/n!" Obi-Wan replies. "And look who I'm talking to. The master fo sarcasm!" "Ugh." he annoyedly sighs. I continue to deactivate the bombs and we finish in no time.

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