viii. final frontiers

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final frontiers | the flea and the acrobat



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( you're stuck with me, kid )


tw : pstd, flashbacks, gore, disturbing child death

bit of emotional damage in this one <3



JORDAN WAS never going to use a single one of his limbs ever again for longer than five minutes.

They had been walking for an hour now with little to no breaks, and he was overcome with the sudden regret for every cigarette and illegal substance he had ever raised to his mouth.

So far, they had circled back by Castle Byers and were now on their way to scope out the land around Steve Harrington's backyard which was apparently a thousand fucking miles out of town.

Jordan stopped to reach out a hand to Nancy, offering to aid her over the slippery hill Jonathan had just lost his footing on.

"I don't need help, thanks." Nancy rolled her eyes, smiling fondly, "I'm a full grown-up girl, believe it or not."

"Shocker." He teased, morphing his face into a solemn expression, "But actually, this is for me - city kids don't do well in the country terrain. Why is everythin' wet?"

Nancy sighed, exasperated, but rose to the bait and loosely linked their arms. Fair dues to her, she only laughed uncontrollably for a few minutes when his shoe slid on the damp earth and he went fumbling down the raised hump of land anyway.

He feigned a glare at her as Jonathan dragged him to his feet, looking down at the dirt on his clothes and pulling a wet leaf from his hair with a dismayed scowl. "Shut it, Wheeler, you're lucky I didn't drag you down with me."

"Like you could." Nancy scoffed, making her own way down the slope quite easily and handing him the plank of wood, which he had dropped during the fall.

"You wanna bet on that, Wheeler?" He arched a brow at her and she responded with a challenging raise of her own.

"We should keep moving before it gets dark." Jonathan muttered, shooting Jordan a very pointed look before shifting his bag on his shoulder and storming away.

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