iv. callow corpses

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callow corpses | the body



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( it doesn't go away - and it doesn't get easier either, that's bullshit too )


JORDAN SAT on the couch next to a stoic Jonathan, nothing but a hand on his elbow letting his friend know that he was there as he processed the information the police were giving to him.

There had been some sort of town-wide power outage that even knocked the electricity from jonathans headlights somehow shortly after they had heard a second scream somewhere far in the distance, and the police had found them not long later, already en route to the house.

Jordan drove while the Byers huddled together in the backseat, Jonathan trying relentlessly to console his hysteric mother.

They had entertained her senseless claims of the beast climbing out of her living room wall, the Chief and another officer going inside to investigate while a man called Callahan remained outside to question her about the ordeal half-heartedly, but she had not calmed down any more when they finally arrived, and one of the female officers had taken her across the room while a man who introduced himself as Officer Powell and another wearing a Chief's hat who had given no introduction but who had been referred to as Hopper several times tried to pry what information they could from her son.

Powell spoke gently, wrinkled eyes filled with sympathy, "Can you think of any reason your brother would be up at Sattler's?"

"Him and his friends used to go there after school to throw rocks over the edge and mess around, but," Jonathan shook his head desperately, eyes filling with tears not for the first time, "they stopped going up there years ago - I don't think Will's been there since the time his friend fell."

"You're talking about the Moore kid, right?" Hopper clarified as Powell scribbled something down in his notebook, "He got sent off again a few weeks ago, didn't he?"

"I don't see what any of that has to do with this." Jordan intercepted, not backing down in the face of the man's disgruntled glare, "We're talkin' about Will here, not some other kid."

"We're just trying to get the whole story here - what we're working with right now is that he crashed and took a wrong turn while he was running home and ended upbat Sattler's, but we need to know if there's anything that could disprove that."

"It's the only thing that makes sense." Jonathan replied, voice barely a whisper. His hands were shaking in his lap, and he had not raised his eyes from the floor since the Chief told him of his brother's death, "But he couldn't have gotten lost, he knows the route home, he's never gotten lost before - I just don't understand..."

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