x. pipe dreams

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pipe dreams | the bathtub



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( you leave me behind, i don't care. just get home. promise me, will )


JORDAN GRIMACED, patting Will on the back encouragingly as the boy startled awake in a coughing fit, gasping for breath between every exhale as if his lungs were contracting painfully.

He adjusted the leather jacket over Will's shoulders, rubbing his palm against the fabric of it rapidly to try and create some sort of heat, his own body trembling with the cold.

Will wheezed out a haggard breath, and then collapsed into a driftless sleep once more.

Jordan sighed, lifting the jacket to make sure it covered him completely and halting when he noticed a slight bulge in the right pocket.

He scoffed to himself even as he went to undo the zipper, sure that if there was anything in there of any use, he would have discovered it by-

Oh. No, they were both full - he was just an idiot.

Good to know.

He found a crumpled dollar bill, his plastic lighter and two joints in the right pocket and in the other - he had to hold back a genuine shriek of glee for this one - a full, entire, granola bar.

He held it in the air in triumph like it was a gift from the gods themselves.

With the situation Jordan was in, though, those oats and blueberry pieces very well could have been.

He didn't know how he had gotten it, assumed he had somehow acquired it at Mack's house the night before, but he wasn't going to ask questions.

He was going to take it as a sign to start going to church, and move on with it.

Jordan shook Will awake again, trying to keep his voice low through all his excitement, "Hey - hey, bub, wake up, look what I found."

He held the breakfast bar up to Will's face so he could see the packaging as he squinted at it for a moment before his mouth fell open in shock.

"F - foo-"

"Shh, don't speak, save your strength. Here, you'll have to make it last because it's the only food we have." Jordan peeled open the wrapper carefully and broke a piece off the top, gently guiding it into the boy's mouth and lifting his chin to help him chew.

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