Helping Takao

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I woke up and as usual got ready for work. I went down to the train station and took a deep breath. It was only Wednesday. Two days from now I be eating with my father and my mother. They actually invited me over. I'm scared. No not scared nervous. I don't know what to expect. I step on the train and sat down. "Whoa! You scared me there!" A man who sat next to me said. "Oh sorry!" I said looking at him. His hair style is kinda cool looking. "My name is Akito by the way." He said. "Well I'm Akita Hyoto! Nice to meet you Akito." I said. Huh? Cool his name is awesome! "So where are you headed Ms. Hyoto?" Akito asked me. "Please call me Akita and I'm going to Long Island! You?" I asked. "Oh I'm going to my job. I swear you look like someone I've seen on TV?" He said looking at me funny. "Oh well yes I'm on a show called 'Scary Wife'. " I said softly. "Haha that's right! Your supper scary!" He said laughing. I started to snicker. "Yeah I just don't like to do it. I'm not like that. It's also been hurting my reputation." I said. "Don't people know that it's a television show?" Akito asked. "No they don't unfortunately." I said. We continued to talk until I had to get off. It was really nice talking to him. I get up and said goodbye. Boy, was it nice meeting someone new.

I walk in and everyone is sitting down. Takao is here too. I go in the back and everyone usual. I handed everyone's stuff and started cleaning. "Guys I haven't seen Yamato in a while. We should go to his house and kidnap him! And Haruna while we are it." Saeki said. "Calm down Saeki, I'm sure they are just busy! After all they are teachers." I said. "Yeah and they can charge you for that." Takao said. I just laughed. "Plus you forgot Harue!" I barely managed to say. "Oh no he will come willingly because we have you and Takao, and we will take Yamato and Haruna." Saeki added. "Don't put me in this!" Takao said. "Guys I'm trying to sleep!" Ren said as he flopped his head. Poor Ren. He's kinda all sorts of tired. I got back to cleaning. We continued to chat while I was working sure enough Yuta came and my shift was over. I quickly changed and left with Yuta and Takao. Off we went to see Takao's Grandmother. I hope we make her happy.

Okay so we get there and Takao leads us to his grandmother's room. When she see us she lightens up. "Hello, my name is Akita and this is Yuta we came here today to see you." I said. "Oh joy you did bring them thank you Takao!" She said smiling. "Yeah they are my friends." Takao said. "So your name is Akita?" She asked. "Yes it's very nice to meet you." I said. "I see you on tv I never thought I see you in person!" The lady said. "Yeah so um is there anything you want to ask?" I said. "Yeah is the script really that bad?" She asked. "Yeah but I'm helping Yuta so I don't mind." I said. "So Yuta? Is she really like that off screen." She asked him. "Hehe, yes she's really scary I have to have my night light with me all the time!" Yuta joked. We all laughed. "Oh I be right back! I have to go to the bathroom." I said out loud. "Oh okay well we be here." Yuta said. So I left.

I left the room and want straight passed the checkout area to go to the ladies room. I washed my hands and head out. When I came out someone I just meet was checking out. "Lilly?" I said out loud. She turned and looked at me. "What are you doing here?" We both said at the same time. "I'm here for Takao's grandmother she wants to see me and Yuta." I said. "Oh Yuta is here too? Huh? Well tell him I need to talk to him. I kinda have big news!" She said. "What is it?" I asked. "Well you can't tell Yuta!" She said. "Okay I won't say anything!" I said. "I just found out I'm pregnant!" She said. "Oh wow that's great news! Yuta would love being called 'Uncle'!" I said. "I know right! Uncle Yuta and Aunt Akita! Kinda rings don't it Akita." She said. I'm not even really married to him though. "Are you sure? I mean we are still just dating." I said. I'm not even sure we are even doing that I mean we hadn't really talked about it. "Yeah of course! Your gonna be around for a long time! I could tell just by him talking about you." She said. There she goes again. "Anyway we got to hangout some time! I mean it!" She said walking out. Wow that's so cool! I'm so happy for her.

Authors note: oh guys I added some things to New Tides awhile ago. When I put on A Sad Day I added things. So If your just reading this just keep going! Anyway, I bought Yuta's season 2 not the wedding one :-( but Anyway! Yuta's parents are really nice. In MFWP they killed them off! I know I did too but that was before I read this that he had parents. Oops. Sorry Yuta! Don't worry though you be very happy! Anyway I was so happy when Lily came over and said she was pregnant so... I brought it here. Anyway I'm not finished helping Takao. I also have an idea with Kuni I think you too a like it. Thanks RaineAloisa for the encouragement! I don't even think I make it this far, but here I am. I'm almost at 30 chapters! So excited I have lots planned for Akita and Yuta! Oh and in the next chapter it will still be Wednesday in the book.

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