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So the day went by pretty fast. Ren was sleeping when it was time to go. "Ren wake up! We gotta go!" I said shaking him. He didn't even move. "Good luck getting him awake!" Kuni said. "Oh I will get him awake!" I said. "Right I bet you five bucks you won't!" "Okay your on!" I said. I smiled. That's when he looked nervous. I grabbed a bowl and put it down right next to him. He woke up and looked at it. He then looked at me. " food." He said. "Sorry I I have to go!" I said. He looked like a kid right there. Ren got up and before I left Kuni handed me a five and Saeki did too. Huh he was in on it too?

I got in Kuni's car, Ren was pasted out. "I guess I'm on my own." I said as I sighed. I turned on the radio to kill the silence. I know it's gonna be a while before I get there. I hope I get to the light. The actual light. Then I be happy. I'm just nervous because I will literally have a car load. Yuta's been acting weird. He's been surprising me a lot. I mean it's nice but I feel like he's keeping something from me. I don't know what it is but he's been acting strange to. However he gave me tickets to see his live show. I have the front row seat. Getting out of my thoughts I realized I am already at the road. I get to the sign with no problem. I mean I was shaking but I continued driving. I did make it to the light but looking at everything my tears just fell. My sobs got so loud. I actually woke Ren up. He drove us back. This time I fell asleep.

I woke up to Ren shaking me. "Get out!" He said when I woke up. I looked and I'm actually home. "Thanks Ren." I said. He nodded. I got out and went into a dark house. "Yuta?" I said flicking on the lights. He wasn't home. I looked at my phone and I had an unread message. "Hey I'm gonna be late." Oh no! Oh well. I changed into my pajamas. I then made dinner and waited for him.

I woke up in my bed. I was still in my pj. However, I don't remember going to bed. Did Yuta carried me? I rolled over and he was passed out. He was so cute. If I didn't have to work at Long Island then I could sit there and watch him until he woke up. Looking at the time I sighed and decided to get up.

Authors note: Okay so excited! I'm getting close to Yuta's surprise for Akita? What could it possibly be? Find out in the chapter after this one! Enjoy your day! Update tomorrow.

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