Say Something

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We got up and Yuta left with out me. It kinda made me wish I never said anything. Did I make a mistake... does he not like me back? I don't understand I meant every word that I said. I hope he doesn't hate me. Is he going to bail on me today. I get ready when I noticed the note on the fridge. "Hey went to go get the car rental be back soon. -Yuta" thank goodness he don't leave me. I turned around and the front door was open. Yuta came in and motion for me to come. So I did. The whole car ride was silent. He didn't say anything.

We get to Long Island and Kuni gave us a ton of baskets and a list that once had a ton of Fruit. "It shouldn't take you long." Kuni said. "Shouldn't this list is like a mile long!" I said. "No it's not it's only a few things. You should be here by noon!" Kuni said. Noon how will we be done by noon. Yuta taps on my shoulder he pointed to the car and I sighed. "Okay bye Kuni see you later!" I said. "Bye have fun you two!" He said smiling. You sneaky old man. Ugh I get in and Yuta drives away. After a while he turns on the radio. Why is he being so silent today? He's not normally like this. He's normally laughing or talking to me. He's just driving. What is wrong with him. I would ask but he's just so focused on the road.

So we got to our first location and started picking apples. Who puts apples in their fruit salad? Kuni is a strange man. I wonder what his angle is? Is he trying to get rid of us? Is this some kind of trick to make us go missing so he plans out a evil plan with the others? I don't understand! Yuta already had one basket filled with apples. I had two apples so I offered him one but he just shook his head. What gives he's not even smiling? I sighed and bit into one. We went to the next stop and picked grapes. Apples and grapes... yup someone is trying to get rid of us. I picked a bunch of grapes and Yuta helped me. Seriously what is wrong with him. He didn't even say anything to Kuni. Maybe it's my fault. Maybe I shocked him so much he turned mute! As I thought of that I felt tears forming. I mean have ruined his dream... he won't be able to tell jokes. He won't be able to respond to his friends. I won't be able to hear him say he's home. I felt the tears fall and soon I'm a reck. I'm shaking so much. I don't know what to do. Just then I feel hands on my shoulders. I look up and see Yuta looking at me worriedly. Of course he didn't say anything. "I-I'm so sorry I d-didn't mean to. Make you mute! You haven't said anything since last night." I said still shaking. "Pfft! No my tooth hurts it's making my jaw hurt...from the pancakes." Yuta finally said. Oh! Phew! "Why didn't you tell me?" I said as I go get my purse. I went through and found pain killers. I took the right amount and handed it to him. "You might want to get that checked out on Monday! I'm gonna call your agency so they can work it in your schedule." I said. He just nodded and took the pills with some water. Pfft! I guess I over reacted!

Authors Note: Hey guys! Miss me! Hehe! Anyway I'm gonna update Our New Found Hope (MSB fanfiction) and Pictured Framed (Our Two Bedroom Story fanfiction) next because I have different people who read them so I don't want them to be like oh no why hasn't she updated yet. You guys are welcomed to read them and I have to tell you when I read Yamato's version of the new app My Wedding and Seven Rings.. I think I might write a fanfiction on that. Cause I love Yammy too! Oh and I have an idea for....lets just say I have a lot of Ideas anyway you guys are awesome! At least one a month I have someone voting for my stories thank you new and those who keep coming back. Oh if you ever want to use any of my charaters Akita (here) , Aika (ONFH), or Reika (PF) go right ahead! So anyway have a good day...tomorrow cause today is almost over.

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