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Akita's P.O.V.

"It's a surprise!" I said smiling. I can't wait until I am able to cross that line! I want to do this because I love him. I do I love him. There is no one on my mind as much as him. I was worried about him at work. I'm so happy he's here with me. He could have stayed but he didn't. He came! Not that I didn't want him to stay with his friends. I just needed this time with him. "Hey Yuta thanks for being here with me! I really need it." I said. "I know...Akita I love you and I want to be there for you so let me help you out ok!" "I keep that in mind." I said. "Akita, what's wrong? You seemed upset the whole time I have been here." Yuta said looking in my eyes. He knows...I don't know how but he knows. Maybe Kuni was looking out for me. "You already know don't you..." I said. "Yeah I know what your doing but what I don't know is why?" Yuta said.

"It's apart of my surprise." I said. "Oh well please don't push yourself to hard okay!" He said. "I won't... thanks Yuta and I'm sorry I'm worrying you!" "You always worry me... I mean I'm always thinking about you!" Yuta said. He look like I was going to get mad at him. "I understand I'm always worrying about you two! I guess it's normal between couples!" I said. "Yeah I guess so!" Yuta said. "Hey you were supposed to take me on a date Sunday!" I said suddenly remembering. "Oh your right! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot! I make it up to you later okay!" Yuta said. "Yeah sounds good to me!" I said.

We finished eating and Yuta started to clean up the table. "Here let me help you with that!" I said. I mean after all I did dirty them. "You made me all of this. This is my way of thanking you!" He said smiling. "I made the mess so I should clean it up." I argued. "I can't let you clean every mess! I would look like a horrible boyfriend!" Yuta said. He caught me off guard. Normally he calls me his wife. He used the right term. "Well then let's work on it together because I would look like a horrible girlfriend if I shoved everything off on you." I said. So we did the dishes together. As soon as we were finished we got ready for bed. I was about to go to sleep when my phone went off. I looked at it. Yamato is calling me...why? I clicked the answer button. "Hello?" I said as a waited for him to answer.

Authors Note: Sorry I was so late guys I was busy! Oh did I not tell you I have a tumblr account! It's Booteen! Haha you know it's me same profile picture and everything. RaineAloisa has one two! If you don't have a tumblr account I encourage you to make one the more I use it the more I love it! Anyway enjoy you're day!

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