Harue's Birthday

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*Next Few Days*

I got up and got ready. Today was Harue's birthday. That's why Yamato called so he could tell me that Harue's birthday party was planned and that we were invited! I dragged Yuta to the store after that. I got up and got ready. I also had to wake Yuta up. He's been tired from all the hours he's getting from work. He's also been surprising me all the time. One morning he made me breakfast in bed. So yeah I grabbed Harue's presents and put them in a gift bag. I had gotten him an ikebana photography album which was by Utsunomiya. Yuta picked up a joke book. When Yuta and I finish getting ready we headed to Long Island.

It was so nice to see everyone again. I was hoping to talk to Haruna and Yamato to see what they've been up to, but then I felt like I wasn't in the mood to talk. I understand why I mean after the party, I have to try get over my fear again. Let's just say it's been affecting me a lot lately. I feel so defeated. I tried paying attention and talking to people, but I just felt detached from everything. I mean I was glad everyone was having fun, I was too, but I guess it's been hard. I sat down and sighed. "With a sigh like that no wonder the cherry blossoms have gone away." What? Oh yeah spring was about over. I looked up the person who just spoke to me. It was Haruka Utsunomiya, what does he with me?

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you! Was just worried Ms. ummm" "Hyoto, Akita Hyoto, but please call me Akita, Hyoto reminds me of my brother." I say. "Okay well are you alright?" He asked. "Kind of I mean doing good for a person who's getting over a fear of their's." I answered him. "What are you scared of Ms. Scary Wife?" He asked. I let out another sigh. "I'm not like that in real life and I'm scared of the road that my brother died on." I said. I know it was really blunt but there's no other way to say it. "Why are you doing this?" He asked suddenly interested. "I want to get past that. I need to it's been haunting me since I was sixteen." I said. "Well keep going at it. The reward will be worth it." He said. Well I know that it's just not that easy.

"Akita, Thank you for your wonderful gift!" Harue said running up to me. "The ikebana photography album by Utsunomiya?" I asked. "Yeah that thanks so much!" He said hugging me. "Your welcome!" I said. "Do you remember last time we met when you said you take me, Yamato, Oba, and Yuta to a special place of yours! Are we still gonna go?" Harue asked me. "I'm working on it! I will call Yamato when we could possibly go!" I answered. "Okay!" He said before running off. "Huh, you bought something of mine?" Haruka asked. "Yeah you seem very fond of Harue. Plus I don't really have a reason to hate you." I said. "Well that's good. So can we be friends? Last time I asked I do believe Yuta took you away." He said. "Yeah we can, um thanks for talking to me!" I said. "No problem!" He said before going off in talking to Harue.

"He's not a bad guy." Takao said coming beside me. "Yeah I know I let my judgment get in the way." I said. "I honestly wasn't expecting him to talk to you. Kuni told me what's up. I hope you know none of us want you to push yourself. I mean I said it once and I'll say it again you're like a sister to us. We know you're hurting, Yuta can tell too." He said as he patted my shoulder. He left me and went to talk to Yuta. "Hey how's that thing going?" Takao asked. "Huh? What thing... Oh good I'm going to do it on Friday!" Yuta said. Friday that is first live day. I was aiming to do the special place on Saturday after that day. Oh well, I will still do it. I let out one more sigh and continued on talking to people until it's time to go. Let's just say it was much needed all this bonding we all had. I don't know about any body else, but I really needed this!

Authors Note: YAY 40 CHAPTERS!!!! I'm so happy to share that with all of you! I am so sad right now. A
Flower Named You is over! It was a very good ending! I was so happy that there is going to be more! I can't express how happy I am for RaineAloisae. As for my book. I'm not going to lie I'm almost done. I mean I really excited but at the same time I'm really upset. I really enjoyed writing this book. Wait why am I saying this now? I still have a few more chapters to go! I mean I know its my last few points... but I still have to get to the ending. Now that I have a visual idea I'd say I'd be closer to 50 if not then 50 chapters. So I still have time. I honestly have no idea what day it is. I mean I check but I don't really know. Like I know what it is in real life but in my book I have no idea! Haha lol if anything far away I'll just skipped through it like Friday or Saturday and make it close to Friday like Tuesday or something. Don't worry I still have a lot I need to do. So tell me what do you think Yuta is going to do? Oh and I am sorry if Haruka is out of charater... I don't really know him...he is on my long wish list though. Anyway have a good day!

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