The Rare Plant and The Prince

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     I finish up work and got ready to go. Ren is still asleep. I tried to shake him but he's out. "Ren wake up we have to go now!" I said continuing to shake him. Nothing huh. Oh I know! U grab a bowl abd set it down next to him. "Huh...what?" He said. "We gotta go like now Ren!" I said. "Okay..." He said as he gets up. We go out and Ren gets in his car on the drivers side. "Ren your still sleepy you shouldn't drive." I said. "It's fine, if you drive you won't know where to go and I be sleeping and won't be able to give directions." He said. There he goes again with the full sentences again. "Okay, but you swerve once I'm taking over." I said. No way am I dying when Yuta needs me. I have to pay him back. Ren pulls away.

     "Um Ren I know we are looking for a rare plant and all but um what does it look like?" I ask. Ren points to a piece of paper sticking out of the glove box. I pull it out and look at it. I honestly never seen this type of plant before. I continued to look at the picture so I would know if it was it. Before I realized it, Ren had parked the car, got out and opened my door. Wow we are in the woods. There is green plants everywhere. Ren's plant is no where to be seen. "It likes growing in between rocks." Ren said. "Oh okay!" I said. I looked everywhere. An hour passed since we got here and still nothing. I climb up over a mountain of rocks. I see another pile of rocks that is bigger then the one I'm standing on. I look up and I see it. The plant Ren wants. The question is how to get up there. "Ren look it's up there!" I said. He turns and look and starts to climb up. That's when I saw the bushes shake and a man dressed and a wealthy looking suit with gloves on. "My Prince, I command you to come down right now!" This guy said. Wait! Did he say Prince!?!?

     "Whoa hold the phone! Did you say Prince!?!?" I said really loud. "Go home I'm busy!" Ren said ignoring me. He continues to climb. "Sir please get down you shouldn't be doing this!" The guy said. "Watch me!" Ren shot back. He's almost there. "Wait! Sir did you just really called him a prince?" I asked again. "Don't you see I'm trying to stop him from doing this. If something happens to him I'm holding you responsible! Your making him do this peasant!" The guy snapped at me. Whoa dude calm down. "I asked her to come, don't be rude!" Ren shot at him. Man this is the most I ever heard from Ren. "Please come down, Prince Ren!" The guy said. "Daniel no I'm doing this for the Kindom that is why I'm here. If you don't like it leave." Ren said. He reached the plant and pulled it. He did it so perfectly. He climbs down and grabs me by the wrist. We went to the car and left the guy.

     "Sorry about that! Man I hate that guy!" Ren says right of the back. "Who is he?" I asked. "My butler." Ren answered. "You have a butler!" I said. "Yeah...I'm a prince remember!" Ren said "Yeah wow I can't believe it! That your a prince. I mean you sleep all the time! I guess it could be your job. Why are you a researcher if you are a prince?" I asked. "You see this plant. It's rare here but in my place it's everywhere. I'm trying to find medicine from it." He said. Wow I was completely wrong about Ren. I thought he was just a weird man. I was completely wrong. He working himself to hard for his kingdom. Even on his day off he's working. He doesn't talk a lot but he talks when he's needed to. "Thanks for today, Ren I learned a lot about you!" I said. "Thanks for helping me, Akita I'm sorry you had to find out this way!" He said pulling up to Yuta's place. "Thanks Ren, go home and get some sleep!" I said. Should I say Prince Ren? No the guys don't call him that. He must not like that. I watched Ren pull away. When he was out of sight I turned around and went outside.

     "Hey Akita where were you?" Yuta asked. "I was with Ren. He needed help finding a rare plant." I said. "Oh no, he's already started on finding the plant for the research. Oh no that means he will have to go back to his kingdom in a few years. Oh no didn't here that from me!" Yuta said. "Wait! What?" I asked. "Ren is a prince." Yuta said. "No I know that but he's gonna leave! I just got to know him." I said. "Oh yeah the reason he came was so he could grow up and research the plant for his kingdom. When he completes that he has to go back!" Yuta said. Oh no no this can't happen. I wanted to cry but the crew came in and we had to start the script.

Authors note: I wasn't feeling well yesterday so I got to write a few more chapters. Bonus chapters! The bad news is there is only two of them and the second one is short, but still bonus. Thanks for being patient!

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