Happy Birthday

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Dedicated to RaineAloisa

Yuta woke up and got dressed. He looked beside him and Akita was not there. He heard humming coming from the kitchen. What is she doing? Yuta got up and stole a glance in the kitchen. Akita sitting on a stool humming to herself. Yuta turned around and sat on the sofa still tired. He accidentally yawned. "Yuta? You awake?" Akita asked. "Yeah I'm awake sorry didn't want to bug you. "Oh well, come here I have a surprise for you!" She said. So he did. Akita pulled a cake from the fridge. "Happy Birthday Yuta!!!! This is your personal birthday cake!" She said smiling brightly. Yuta always loved that smile! "I think I'm gonna have a slice now!" Yuta said. "Okay it's your birthday so go ahead." Akita said. He grabbed a knife and sunk the knife in. BOOM!!!! Frosting went everywhere. Yuta couldn't believe that he fell for the very same prank that he did to Akita on April Fools day. "Hahahahaha next time don't prank me on April Fools day, Now go get dressed the guys told me to drag you down there so they can say happy birthday!" Akita said cleaning up the mess. She turned off the oven as when Yuta wasn't in the room.

As soon as they got to Long Island the lights were off. "Huh? I guess it's closed, looks like we have to wait for Kuni!" Yuta said a little disappointed. "Um I don't know!" Akita said as she opened up the door. Yuta followed behind her. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUTA!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone jumped out and yelled. Everyone was there. Haruna, Harue, Kuni, Lily, Saeki, Takao, Ren, Yamato, even Yuu was there! But the best part is Akita was there too, and she was right next to him. Yamato came up to Yuta. "Man I can't believe this kid is growing old!" Yamato said. "Hey your birthday is coming! I may have been born before you but we still are the same age!" Yuta said. "Yeah, yeah you're still old." Yamato said handing him a present. Yuta could tell that it was a book so he opened it up. 'How to Tell Good Jokes.' Well at least it's not for dummies. Haruna and Harue came up next. "Happy Birthday Yuta." Haruna said as Harue hugged Yuta. "Thanks guys!" Yuta said. Haruna gave Yuta the gift bag she was holding. Inside was a couple of goofy ties and a pen that said 'joke on!' "Thanks guys!" Yuta said smiling. Saeki came up next. "Hey buddy! Happy Birthday!" He said handing him a gift. It felt like another book. 'How to Get a Girl in Ten Days.' "I already have Akita? Why do I need this?" Yuta asked. "It's supposed to be funny." Saeki said. Yuta turned to show Akita but she was gone, no where to be seen. Huh? Where did she go?

Ren came up and gave Yuta an envelope. Yuta opened it up and it was a little girls card. "Happy 8th Birthday? Thanks? Ren?" Yuta said. "Sorry it's the only one they had. Open it." Ren said. Yuta opened it to find two tickets to the aquarium. "Thanks Ren!" Yuta said. He loved the aquarium. Takao came up and gave Yuta a gift. Yuta opened it up. It was a book. It was a joke book for comedians. "Happy Birthday! I thought I would return the favor." Takao said. "Thanks Takao!" Yuta said. Kuni came up and gave him his present. "Happy Birthday, man I feel old I pretty much watched you grow up." Kuni said. "Oh calm down it's still the same age difference." Yuta said. He opened up the gift it was the new comedy movie that he really wanted to go see but with work he couldn't. "Thanks Kuni!" Yuta said. Where was Akita? Did she leave? Lily came up. "Happy Birthday little brother!" Lily said handing him a 100 dollar gift card to a restaurant. "Thanks Lily!" Yuta said. "You could also pull out that ring!" Lily said leaving him. He knew she was joking but it was still way too soon. Yuta still wanted to do things as a couple. Just then Akita came from the back. How did she get there? She never walked in the back. Is she hiding something? "Happy Birthday Yuta!" Yuu said. He handed a gift. '100 Hilarious Jokes That Will Have Everyone in Tears' "Thanks Yuu!" Yuta said. That's when Akita came. "Sorry I accidentally forgot your gift at home...but anyway I wanted to congratulate you for completing your dream." She said as she handed him the carefully wrapped gift. Yuta opened it up and inside was a picture frame with Yuta and Yuu highschool photo and what they said underneath. "It was kinda hard to do but I managed to do it." Akita said. Yuta hugged her. He was also trying to fight the tears. That's when everyone started singing happy birthday and on the cake was 27 candles on his cake. He made a wish and blew out the candles. His wish was to have another great year with his friends and family.

Authors Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUTA!!!!!! This is not apart of my story. This is just for Yuta's birthday! I do not own Haruna and Harue. I would have had them more involved but this is just one chapter. Anyway they belong to RaineAloisa. I also don't own the guys Voltage does. Anyway a reminder this is not apart of my story. The book titles I don't know if they actually are book titles but if they are I would like to give the author credit for the title. Also when Akita disappeared she went home to grab the cake and her present to Yuta. She slipped in the back in case you didn't know. The update is still going to be tomorrow I just updated today because it's a special day, so one more time. Happy Birthday Yuta your high school story thing was pretty cool just wished you guys would have kissed. Anyway enjoy your Day!

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