Chapter 9: Confrontation

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Despite her adrenaline fueled night, Katelyn woke up the next morning full of life and fully rested. Even though she woke up from her sleep, she knew full well of the adventures that she and her mask had that night was far from a fleeting dream.

She hopped out of bed as the sun bled through the trees around her house. She looked to her clock and noted that she had two hours until school and decided to see what her phone captured. She unlocked her phone, now low on battery and storage due to leaving it on all night, and looked at her photo roll.

As she watched the video of her transformation, the hairs of her back stood up. The tendrils, the smoke, the twister; it was all real. And the result of the almost instantaneous transformation, a goddess.

She squealed as she saw her transformed figure and paused the video. She examined the tall towering figure from her toes up her torso. She looked unbelievable and couldn't believe that a little wooden mask would not only shed weight off her body but also exaggerate her feminine form into a cross between a model and an amazonian athlete.

She continued playing the video and saw that the figure spin into a twister. "Thank God I cleaned up". Once the twister faded, she saw herself in a leotard that left nothing to the imagination. Besides the size of her gymnastics uniform, she noted that the mask seemed to accent everything with green; the hue of choice for the artifact. Now in her leotard, the bombshell leapt out of her bedroom window and her room was left empty for the rest of the video.

Katelyn locked her phone and pulled it towards her chest. Looking at the mask, now leaning on her pillow, facing her. "You cheeky bastard," she whispered. The surface of the mask didn't move, but it heard her; content with her reaction while watching the video.

Katelyn grabbed the mask and secured it inside her diary lockbox. No matter what, nobody else but her should use it. It was all for her, only for herself to experience.


Arriving at school, Danny walked behind Katelyn and cleared his throat. "Hi," he bashfully said.

Katelyn turned around and responded, "Hi."

They started up a conversation with each other: apologizing for hurting each other last week, talking about the different cliques at school, and laughing together at the different types of personalities that made up the school's teaching staff. Eventually, the two not only talked about school but also a little about each other.

"riiiiiinnnnng!" Chimed the homeroom bell.

"Let's talk more at lunch," Danny suggested.

"Sure. See you then!" And with that, the two split to their respective homerooms, their cheeks blushing from their now newly formed friendship.


"I saw you running outta school last week, " Danny asked candidly.

Katelyn sighed, "Yeah some chick was harassing me and I just didn't want to get involved. She even chased me to my mom's car a couple of times."

"Ah that sucks. What was her name?"

"Some brunette, I don't know... forget that I told you..." Katelyn didn't see the brunette her today and was glad her posse didn't come after her.


Little did Katelyn and Danny know, some of Maria's friends snapped a photo of the two eating lunch together and texted it to Maria.

"OMG Your man is chatting with that blonde".

Maria, laying in bed sick with a fever, heard her phone buzz and checked her texts. She sat up; now enraged with flared nostrils.

"Follow her. I want 2 noe where that bitch lives," Maria messaged back.


After school as Katelyn walked home, two of Maria's most trusted confidants tailed her from afar. They hid behind large trees and cars to avoid being spotted.

Meanwhile, a smiling Katelyn was listening to her music with her earphones. For the first time since the move, she was in a good mood. She now had powerful item that could unleash her any wants or desires. To allow her to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and maybe whoever she wanted. A shit-eating grin washed over her face... "Down girl, down~" she laughed at herself.

Upon coming home, Katelyn decided to keep her masked adventures for the weekends. She planned to use it at least once a weekend... but might splurged if she had more downtime. She opened up her diary and created a new entry; a "bucket list" of things she wanted to do. Activities like: visiting Hawaii, gambling in Las Vegas, traveling to Japan, and maybe even snowboarding in the Alps.

Her list eventually grew into more than a hundred activities. She hoped the mask had enough power to be used that often; she didn't know its limits or if they were any limits...

"Kat! Dinner!" her mom called. "Coming!" Katelyn replied.


While Katelyn ate with her family, Maria drove over to Katelyn's house with a pair of binoculars and her training nunchucks in the backseat. She peeked in on her family all while taking notes and plotting her revenge. She wanted to set her straight but did not want the cops to be called. Fortunately, Maria got her chance to confront her when Katelyn began bringing out the trash out to the curb.

While Katelyn rolled the trash to the curb, a shadowy figure emerged from the shadows. Katelyn froze when she saw Maria as she stepped into the streetlight; nunchucks in hand.

"Well hello. Did ya miss me?" Katelyn didn't respond; now petrified in fear.

"My girls told me you were talking to my boyfriend. Whatcha talk about hmmm?" Katelyn kept silent and started backing away; down the sidewalk.

"You know. I don't take kindly to strangers who ignore me or try to steal my guy. Maybe you should be taught a lesson... by force!" Maria then lunged towards Katelyn. Katelyn started sprinting around the block but couldn't outrun the enraged two time martial arts champion; Maria. With a well timed swing, Katelyn's leg got caught in the chains of Maria's nunchucks causing her to fall face first onto the pavement.

Maria approached Katelyn but Katelyn quickly got up and accidentally hit the loose end of the nunchucks at Maria, hitting her in the face. Maria, now bleeding from her lower lip, ran back to her car leaving the Katelyn bruised and battered on the ground. Katelyn dragged herself to the curb and then slowly walked back home.

She rushed back to her house and sealed herself in her room. She threw the nunchucks in the trash and curled into bed and began to cry. Her emotions swung from sadness and confusion to anger and revenge.

"Enough was enough," she decided. The brunette needed to be taught a lesson. As if it was answering her request, her closet started glowing green. Katelyn, in a state of rage, walked over to her closet and removed the mask from her lockbox.

Katelyn smirked and knew what had to be done. She turned off the lights and greeted the mask's tendrils with glee as they prepared for revenge.


"Revenge. We hear it's best served cold. Who's hungry?"

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