1. First meet

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A guy is showing sitting in his cabin working on laptop. Then his phone rings, he looks at the caller Id.

Guy's P.O.V

Mom is calling me, she is again gonna ask me to get married. Ugh! I don't want to pick it but I am left with no choice.

P.O.V ends.

He picks it up.

Conversation on call.

Guy - Hey mom.
Someone - Where are you, sid?

That guy reveals to be siddharth, and someone reveals to be anika.

Siddharth - Mom, I am at office right now.
Anika - Sid, it's night right now, come back home, we are waiting for you for dinner.
Siddharth - Umm..ok I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Anika - Okay!

Siddharth cuts the call and close the laptop and gets up from there and walks out of his cabin. He walk towards the lift and steps inside the lift and press the ground floor button. He reach ground floor. He walk towards his car and sits in his car and drives it towards his home. He reach his mansion and park the car and goes inside. He sees everyone in hall.

Anika - Finally you are here.
Siddharth - Hey mom.
Anika - Go and get fresh, dinner is ready.
Siddharth - Ok, mom..

He goes in his room and goes in bathroom and takes shower and wear his clothes and comes out. He goes downstairs, everyone were waiting for him at dining table. He goes and sits with them. Servants serves them and all started eating.

Anika - Sid, do you like any girl?

Siddharth's P.O.V

Not again!

P.O.V ends.

Siddharth - Mom, pls, I don't want to get married.
Someone 1 - But, sid, you have to.
Siddharth - But abhi bhai I don't want to get married.

Someone 1 reveals to be abhishek.

Someone 2 - Sid, if you love a girl then tell us about her.
Anika - Ya, we will talk to her parents about wedding.
Siddharth - Mom, dad, I don't love any girl.

Someone 2 reveals to be shivay.

Abhishek - But, sid, you need to get married.
Someone 3 - Yes, abhi is right.
Siddharth - Bhabhi at least you should be at my side.

Someone 3 reveals to be vaishnavi.

Anika - Tomorrow we are going to see your dad's friend's daughter for you, and it's final!

She said with a stern look. Siddharth rolled his eyes.

Siddharth's P.O.V

It'a not worth fighting with mom, I will reject the girl when I will see her.

P.O.V ends.

All eats their dinner and goes in their respective rooms.

Meanwhile on the other side

A girl is showing sitting in hall talking to her father. It sounds like they are having an argument. Let's see what they are talking about.

Girl - But dad I don't want to get married this early.
Someone - I know, avu, but you have to get married.

That girl reveals to be avneet.

Avneet - Dad, I just got graduated last week, I want to do job and be independent.

Someone reveals to be amandeep.

Amandeep - You can do this after your marriage also.
Avneet - But dad...

Amandeep cuts her in between - Pls avu.

Avneet's P.O.V

I can't say no to dad.

P.O.V ends.

Avneet - Umm..ok, fine.
Amandeep - Great! Tomorrow my friend's family is coming to see you in morning. Be ready.
Avneet - Uh..ok dad.

After saying this she gets up from there and goes in her room and slept thinking about tomorrow.

Skips to next day
In morning

At avneet's side

Avneet's P.O.V

I wakes up and strech my arms. Today dad's friend's family is coming to see me, I need to get ready. I takes a shower, wear saree and did make up and get ready. I sits on bed and started using my phone.

God! I am really tense right now. I don't know who will be that guy...I trust dad, he will choose a right guy for me but still...I was busy in my thoughts when I heard dad's voice. He called me downstairs. I gets up from bed and goes downstairs. I sees an old couple and a young couple sitting on sofa. A guy was sitting on sofa but his back was facing me. I decided to call dad.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Avneet - Dad!

All turn towards avneet. Siddharth sees her and is memorized by her beauty.

Amandeep - Come avu sit with us.

Avneet comes and sit beside her dad.

Aunt - Your daughter is really beautiful.
Avneet - Thanks.
Aunt - Well, I am Anika Nigam, your soon to be mother in law.
Uncle - And I am Shivay Nigam, your soon to be father in law.
Avneet - Namastey uncle, namastey aunty.

She gets up from there and touched their feet.

Vaishnavi - And I am Vaishnavi Nigam, your soon to be bhabhi.
Abhishek - And I am vaishnavi's husband, Abhishek Nigam, your soon to be brother-in-law.

She smiled at them, they smiled back.

Siddharth's P.O.V

When mom told me that I have to marry a girl I thought I will say no to this marriage but after knowing that she is the girl whom I am gonna marry, I will say yes. I am ready for this wedding. She is really beautiful. Her black hairs, brown eyes, pink lips, sharp jawline. Uff! She is just perfect.

P.O.V ends.

Avneet looks at him.

Avneet's P.O.V

He is not even that bad. Infact he is super hot.

P.O.V ends.

Shivay - You both can go and talk privately.
Amandeep - Yes, avu take him in your room.
Avneet - Ok dad.

Sidneet gets up from sofa and goes in avneet's room. They enters in room and avneet close the door. There was an awkward silence, siddharth breaks the silence.

Siddharth - Umm..hi.
Avneet - Hi.
Siddharth - Myselt Siddharth Nigam.
Avneet - Myself Avneet Kaur.
Siddharth - So you are doing any job or what?
Avneet - I just got graduated from college. I am not doing any job nowdays.
Siddharth - Oh, ok.

They talked for few more minutes then siddharth said - I think we should go downstairs.

Avneet - Okay!


To be continued.

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