4. Wedding 💒

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Skips to evening.

Sidneet was getting ready. Sidneet were getting ready. Now the time of wedding have came. Siddharth was sitting in mandak waiting for avneet. Then avneet came and sits beside him.

Siddharth whisper slowly - Looking gorgeous.

Avneet whisper back - Thanks.

Then ritual starts. They got up and take 7 rounds around fire. First siddharth was in front, then avneet. Then they sit down. Siddharth take little bit sindoor in his hands and sprinkle it on avneet's middle partition. In last siddharth ties mangalsootra around her neck.

Then priest said - "Vivah sampann hua''.

They gets up and take blessing from their elders. Now it was time for avneet's vidai. She didn't cried much as her home is near siddharth's home. Amandeep uncle hold avneet's hand and give her hand in siddharth's hand.

Amandeep - Take care of my daughter.
Siddharth - Don't worry, I will surely take care of her.

Sidneet sits in car in back seat. Abhinavi were sitting in front. Abhishek was driving the car. They reached there after few minutes and vaishnavi helps avneet in coming out of the car as her lehenga was so heavy. They goes and stand in front of the house. Anika did their aarti.

Avneet kick the kalash and keep her feet in thaal full of red colour, she leaves her foot prints on the white paint. Then sidneet have to find ring in a bowl full of milk and rose petals. There are 3 rounds, avneet won all of them. They sits in hall.

Anika - Vaish.
Vaishnavi - Hmm?
Anika - Take avneet to her room.
Vaishnavi - Ok mom.

Vaishnavi turn towards avneet and said - "Let's go".

Avneet - Okay!

Vaishnvai takes her to sidneet's bedroom.

Vaishnavi - Your luggage will be here tomorrow morning. I will give you my night suit.
Avneet - Okay!

She goes out of the room. She comes back in a minute with a night suit. She handed over her night suit and said - "Good night".

Avneet - Good night.

She goes out of the room.

Avneet's P.O.V

My lehenga and jwellery is really heavy, I need to change asap. I walk towards the dressing table and started taking off my jwellery. Then room's door open revealing sid. I looks at his reflection in mirror and sees him staring me. I turn towards him.

Avneet - Hey.
Siddharth - Hi...This lehenga must be heavy, you should go and change.
Avneet - Yeah sure.

I takes the night dress and goes in bathroom. I remove my make up and wear night dress and walk out of the bathroom. Then sid takes his clothes and goes inside the bathroom. I goes and sits on bed.

Tonight is our first night, is he going to force me? No, I don't think he will but...

I was busy in my thoughts then bathroom's door opened and sid comes out of the bathroom. He started walking towards the bed. My heart is beating really fast. I became nervous, and he noticed it.

Siddharth - Hey, avu, don't worry I won't do anything without your permission.

He said as he take pillow and blanket from bed and said - I am sleeping on sofa, you can sleep on bed.

I smile seeing his caring behavior.

He turn to go but I hold his wrist and stop him. He turn towards me.

Avneet - Thank you for understanding me.
Siddharth - Anything for you, princess.

He moves closer to me and kissed my forehead and said - Good night.

Avneet - Good night.

He walk towards the sofa and laid down on sofa. I also laid down on bed and slept.

Skips to next day
In morning

I wake up and sees siddharth sleeping on sofa, I steps out of the bed. Today is my first rasoi, I have to make breakfast. I takes my clothes and goes in bathroom. I takes a shower and wear clothes and comes out of the bathroom. I sees sid was awake, sitting on sofa.

Avneet's P.O.V ends.

Siddharth's P.O.V

I wake up, and didn't found avu sleeping on bed. Then bathroom's door open revealing avu. She comes out of the bathroom. She is wearing a saree. She is looking so hot in wet hairs.

Siddharth - Good morning, princess.

She blush and said - Good morning, sid.

I walk towards her and keep my hands on her waist and pull her closer. She rested her hands on my chest.

Siddharth - You are looking smoking hot in wet hairs 😉.

She blush.

Avneet - Thanks.

We were looking into each other's eyes, we have eye contact for one minute then she breaks the eye contact. She takes her hands back from my chest and I remove my hands from her waist. She walk towards the dressing table and takes hair dryer and started drying her hairs. I walk towards wardrobe and takes my clothes.

Siddharth - I am going to take shower.
Avneet - Okay!

I takes my clothes and goes in bathroom.

Siddharth's P.O.V ends.

Avneet's P.O.V

I goes downstairs to make breakfast. I goes in kitchen and sees bhabhi.

Avneet - Good morning, bhabhi.
Vaishnavi - Good morning, avneet.
Avneet - You can call me avu.
Vaishnavi - Okay! So avu today you have to make breakfast as today is your first rasoi.
Avneet - Okay!
Vaishnavi - I will help you.
Avneet - No, there's no need for it. I will cook it.
Vaishnavi - Umm..ok!

Bhabhi goes from there. I made breakfast. It is 8 am. All were sitting on dining table. I serves the breakfast. All started eating.

Abhishek - It's amazing.
Vaishnavi - Yeah!
Avneet - Thanks.
Anika - It is really nice.
Shivay - Yes!
Avneet - Thanks.
Siddharth - Of course its delicious food 😉.

He said with a wink.

I blush and said - Thanks.

Anika - Avneet.
Avneet - Yes aunty?
Anika - Don't call me aunty now, call me mom.
Avneet - Ok mom.
Anika - Tonight is reception, your dress will be here in 3 hours, I will ask any servant to give you that dress. Be ready, ok?
Avneet - Ok, mom.
Anika - And, ya tomorrow there is pooja at home in morning, so we all have to wake up early tomorrow.

All except anika - Okay!

All eats the breakfast. Mom gives gift to me as it was my first rasoi. After breakfast we all goes back to our respective rooms.


To be continued.

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