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Harsha's pov

      I still can't  believe it. The inaugration ended. I'm on my way to my dad's office. I had many questions. I don't know what to do. I thought i should apologize to her. But my ego hesitated. I went in.
       "Hey Harsha . It will be good for you to  share the same workplace with your wife right. Sry i didn't say to you before  due to protocols. You must have been surprised by that suddenly revelation."he said calmly.
        "Surprised???..Dad i was frustrated. Why you lied to me that she was a software engineer. My wife is a special force officer. It's a big thing for me. Do you really think I will be calm . You gotta be kidding. You should have told be before. "I yelled at him.
      " She was not officially reported at our headquarters. Nobody except her superior and her team should know about this. Try to understand the protocols Harsha. Besides I told you that engineer job is not her permanent job. Are you growling because she's a special force officer? I thought you didn't like her ordinary job. I thought you thought her as an ordinary girl. I thought you may be thrilled to have a special force officer as a wife. you told me that you want to Marry an officer right. That's why you dated Riya too.I thought you might like that. Don't you? "he asked casually
     The thing he said about riya irritated me. "Dad Riya CHEATED on me. "
       "You should move on from that Harsha . Indhu's a good girl. Try to start a new journey with her. " He said.
I can't argue with him anymore. "Don't hurt her" he said as i leave. That words kept on pinching me. I already did that. I hurt her. I humiliated her. I abused her. I should apologise to her.
    The day flew fast. It was 06.00pm  . I finally mustered up courage and went to her office. Since it's her first day didn't have much to do.  she just had to report. So she went home. I should go home and apologize to her. I thought how to? But what was she doing in a wh*re house.?Was she collecting evidences. ? But what kind of officer will do that. ?
        I went to a bar i usually go. I ordered a 🍺 and waited i felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Mr.John. "Hey Harsha . You look frustrated!!"he asked .
      "Hmm kinda. "
     "So. Do you  understand now that Indhu's not a wh*re?" He asked sarcastically.
     "Hey I'm sorry. I didnt know anything before. My dad too lied to me. "I replied with guilt.
       "You have to apologize to her Harsha . Not me. You hurt her. You humiliated her. She tried to explain but you didn't allow her to do ! You may not like this marriage Harsha but try to understand her. She just lost her dad. He was her only family. Now she's married to you. She must think that she got a new family. But ...what you did was unforgivable. Don't you dare hurt her again. You won't be spared."he said in a rough tone.
      "I'll try to mend the situation. But ..wait.  You seem to care a lot about her. You do really care a lot about your friend,don't you?"i don't know why I asked this. But something was bothering me from the day I met him with Her
       "Seriously 😒 so this is the most important thing to you now? I think you don't have any friends,Harsha. I'm her friend. And that what friends do . They don't allow anyone to hurt them . They protect them and they care for them. "he said
        And before going he added " And yes i do care about her a lot ....she is  MY FIRST LOVE 💕" he said.
        That kind of made me feel bad. Not for him but for myself . I was having these questions. Did she loved him back?But it looks like one-sided from the tone of his words. Are they really just friends?..then reality slapped me. "You moron you should apologize to her .find a way!!"my inner voice said.
          I took a cab and went home. I was quite drunk. I rang the door bell. She opened the door. She looked at me weird. She hadnt seen me drunk.
        "SO...YOU ARE HIS FIRST LOVE ??"

  Hey guys hope you liked this part.
    Did you expect john's first love is indhu?if yes then do comment.
   So..what will happen now?how will Harsha apologise to her?will indhu forgive him? Will this change their marriage life.
 And also should i write from third person's pov or from Harsh's or Indhu's pls do comment your thought.?

Pls comment your thoughts. Coz I'm not sure if you guys like it or not. Just give my any suggestions if you have.
Love you guys 💜😘 Keep supporting ✊


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