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Indhu's pov

At the bar
                 "Those people are unbelievable John. What they were thinking? Is this some kind of Malaysian investigation agencies fighting over one another for the case. And holding grudges if case got out of their hand" I said. I was so pissed off. It's been 4 days since the case was handed over to us. We spent the first 2 days reviewing the previous report finding where it gone wrong. We thought we could do the investigation for another two days by collecting the info from the previous investigation team. But they refused to give the list of people and places to investigate. Usually it is handled by the investigation team. We have been trying for 2 days trying to pursue them to give in. But they didnt.
               "I've got 2 of our people to investigate. They are doing that since yesterday. Now that we know the investigation team won't give in, we can take next steps."John said trying to console me. "But we have a meeting with Mr. Vardhan tomorrow. What can we say?. " I said and gulped the half glass of beer. "The truth. We can say the previous team was not co-operating". He said. I don't know whether it is a good idea. It will be like we are some school children complaining that the other team is not helping them with the assignments.  "Enough with your office talks. I'm gonna order some fried chicken. Now, listen to me growling over my juniors. I don't know what young people these days think of themselves. One of the newbie said he is not accustomed to hospital cafe food. He want to go to home and have some of his mom's home cooked food and asking for a day off. You know in my residence period i hardly had time to eat. But young people thes...." Typical Vini. Always growling about the new generation as if we are some old grey haired people. 
            While we speaking I noticed someone I know enter the bar. John also noticed him. Vini stopped talking and turned over wondering where we were staring at. "MR. HARSHA ...over here..." Vini shouted. "Why are you calling him now...vini " I gave a little annoying face and turned over other side. He came over our tables. There were few other people too. Two women and a man. "Hello Vini. It's been a long time . And these are my friends." He said. They shared names. But I don't actually remember them. I was so pissed and kinda drunk..and these people I'm not that happy to see these new people around me. I kinda remember one person from my wedding. The thoughts about wedding made me so annoyed and eventually made me think of my dad.
            I excused myself and went to the washroom. Trying to clear my mind. I splash a handful of water on my face. I was staring at the mirror. I saw my own reflection. "This Indhu is not someone I know. She was different. The Indhu I know is intelligent, brave and independent. Not someone who rely on others. She was strong, not weak letting some moron to do ugly things to her, humiliate her. The Indhu I know would have kicked his ba**s, making him regret for treating her like shit." I was not the same as before. Even John used to say that. I just miss my dad so much. Things would have been different if he was here. I didn't have to go through these shitty things. For some reason all I can do is to put the blame on that moron. Even though he warned me about that investigation team. And also for some reason since that night he apologised his thoughts were running in my mind. It's stupidity. It's because I hate him. Yes. It is that. No, you can't deny the fact that you had a thought of forgiving him for some 10 seconds after that night. No that's not possible. I may had that thought because my dad said "people do deserve a second chance". But this moron deserves nothing. Tears were flowing while the thoughts of my dad and that moron were running in my head. I hate it. I don't want him to be in my mind. I heared foot steps approaching the wash basin.
              "We've met in the wedding you remember?" The women next to me said. I barely remembered her name. It's fiyaz...fels...something.. I gave her a little fake smile and continued to wash my face. "You ok ? " She asked. "I'm fine. Don't mind me".I said walking away, but stopped as I hear her speak.. "I'm Faiza btw if u don't remember my name. I'm also sorry about ur father. Indhu i know this wedding is so sudden for you after what happened to your dad and you would have been so heartbroken. The same goes for Harsha too, he also kinda went through something and you guys didn't have time to know each other. But sometimes all we need to do is give it some time, and try to look at the bright side. If we rush things and take decisions hastily, we may regret it later.  I knew Harsha from childhood. Though sometimes he act as a**hole. He is not a bad person, he is a good listener...you should just..."
               "Look ms or Mrs ... whatever, I don't know what that moron told you. But this is not of your concern. Just because you are his friend it doesn't mean that you can act so friendly with me, coz I hate that a**hole already, which eventually make me dislike you. But you are kinda cool, and sassy so I don't wanna make you feel so bad for talking to me. This fu*king marrige is already a disaster. I'm trying to not give a sh*t about it. Don't make it worse. I can't believe that moron is going around telling people about me, making me look like a fool. You know what ...it's suffocating here and I just don't want to talk about that a**hole anymore. It's nauseous."
     "maybe it's because you are too drunk. Watch out you may fall."
       "Thanks. But as I said it's none of ur concern."  I talked so fast. I was too drunk and angry. I don't keep track of the words coming out of my mouth. But I definitely humiliated her friend but not her, because as I said I kinda like her attitude. I can somewhat see a part of myself in her. I went out. I didn't black out but not so sure what happened next.

The next day

              I got up in my apartment's bed. But yesterday was my turn to sleep on the couch. Sh*t it's 07.00 already. I got ready and went to SUNSHINE hangover soup shop.
             You know when I was in my teens I used to read a lot of Wattpad stories, coz Vini forced me to. They were so cringe. Some of the scenes were unrealistic. And in some kseries too. I wonder why the restaurant should be full and packed except for the seat beside male lead, so that  female lead would come and sit. It's stupidity right. But believe or not that same thing is happening to me right now. Hell.... yesterday was not Friday still why people get so drunk that makes this hangover soup shop crowded. There was a single seat beside him. I thought of waiting first, but it's already 08.15 and my head ache like crazy from hangover. He looked at me, And yelled "OFFICER...over here." I had no choice. I sat beside him and ordered my usual bean sprout soup, he was eating chicken noodles soup. I just want to eat quickly and move out. But he started to speak "So...that investigation team didn't give in. I told..". "Yes. You are great. It happened as u told. You won and i lose. You were so right about everything. This is what u want me to tell u right. Happy now ?" I spoke with frustration. "Officer...that wasn't my intention. I just want you to know that I got a few names who might help you with the investigation. I tried to give it you last night. But you were kinda drunk. So I handovered them to Mr. John. It will be helpful." He said after getting up finishing his soup. He left. Few minutes later i finished my soup, payed and went out. I saw him waiting near my car. His presence is annoying me so much. I went near my car. "Yesterday I took ur car and you to home myself. So I left mine at the bar. Just drop me." He said walking towards the passenger side.
           Yeah now this is getting too much. But i have no choice. I got in the car. I started the car. "It was my turn to take the couch yesterday." I said breaking the silence. " I know but i thought you might want to take the bed. It's okay you can take the couch two days in a row and compensate. " He said with a little grin. I can't help but looked away and gave a little grin.
         I think people are interesting. I'm not much fascinated in mankind. Vini likes to talk to people. Which ultimately makes her a good doctor. John is kinda reserved. But in my case when I meet someone, talk with them and get to know people I start to analyse them, others call it judging them. I don't know whether it has anything to do with my profession but I do it. It's not a good thing to do.
         John says that I'm too judgemental, while vini says I'm captious. But both are synonyms right. I'm like that. But when I'm talking with him, I'm too involved in what he says and what I should after, I don't analyse him. Maybe because I already see him as an a**hole and nothing much? I dont know, Where it will lead us to. The headquarters ofc, the path I'm driving. I told myself. I shouldn't think anything rn. I should worry about the meeting. F*ck. The. Meeting.

Hey people hope you like this part. If you give a likes and do drop a comment.

Random question: ever had hangover soup? If yes tell me you favourite.

Love loads ❤️ pls support this writer.           


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