How should I?

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Harsha's pov

              I could feel the sunshine. I knew it's morning. But still I don't want to get off my bed. I was hungover so badly. I had a huge headache. I got up and went to the kitchen . I had a glass of warm water with lemon. I came by the dinning table, i noticed a card it said "SUNSHINE HINGOVER SOUP SHOP".  Who might have kept it here?. Definitely not me. Then...the only person in this house other than me is Her... So did she ??

            My stupid mind started to think that, instead of not feeling guilty about not apologising to her. I tried to remember what happened yesterday. Unfortunately I couldn't forget it. " I took a cab. I entered the house . I asked her that question. I fell down. And....then...I was in her arms ... " That thought made me blush for some reason. Its the embarrassment..but I also felt some kind of happiness. But I was slapped by reality. No matter what, I should apologise to her today. I know I'm late. So I got ready. First I went to that hangover soup Shop. Had a soup. It really cured my headache and hangover. Then i went to office. I was so determined to apologise to her today, no matter what.

At the office.

               Today it seemed so dull. As usual none of my colleagues talked to me. I had gone for a crime scene examination. I returned to the office. It was 02pm . Still I didn't see her. At the cafeteria I was sitting alone eating my Lunch. Suddenly there was a silent. I looked up. She entered the cafeteria with Mr. John. I realised that people here definitely respect her more. She didn't notice me. They started to look at me after she sat on a different row to eat with her team. They were gossiping. I didn't give a sh*t about that. I finished my lunch. I got up. I looked at her. To be precise stared at her for 20 seconds. She noticed me. Our eyes met. I turned away, avoiding her. I shouldn't have done that. I went back to my cabin and prepared a detailed report of today's crime scene examination.
             It was 04pm .. still I didn't apologise to her. I was called on a meeting. I went to the meeting room.they said it was related to some old case. So collected the previous investigation history.
                I entered the meeting room. It was empty. But I could feel the presence of only one soul. I could feel a charismatic figure. Standing at the cornor of the room, turning around, wearing a black shirt and white geans, with high ponytail. I realised it's the soul I live with. I knocked the door. She turned. Our eyes met. This time I was thinking how should I avoid it. But i was saved by Mr. John. He entered the room. He greeted me. No sooner he entered the room, he started to talk to her. I realised that he didn't even knock the door. He was so comfortable around her unlike someone. I hated that for some reason.
         Soon people started to enter the meeting room. We all were waiting for one person ..Mr.Vardhan. but father had always been like this. He was the last person to enter. But he will always be  the most dynamic person in the room. He has always been an inspiration for me in every way . But this thing about my marriage really kept us at a distance.
               It was 04.38pm and then he entered. We greeted him. Mr. John started the briefing. It was the case about an old mafia gang, they were called "THE DEMENTORS" who were involved in kidnapping the MP's daughter. Usually they were not involved in kidnapping. When they did  investigation it was found that the MP was involved with the mafia gang's drug dealing. It was sorted and the involved people were put behind the bars. But recently that Mafia gang started to leave traces that shows that the previous MP's  daughter abduction is a distraction to ship loads of drugs via Andaman.
                The case is said to be reinvestigated and it should be dealt. I was the forensic officer who dealt the case before. So ofcourse i should be the part of the reinvestigation. All these things ran inside my mind . But then and there I looked at indhu. But she didn't give a sh*t about it. She was so keen on the information. Girl is so tenacious in her work. I still tried to get her attention. But speaking in between. But whenever I spoke, she looked into the files. At a point of time, I stopped listening to the briefing and started to stare at her to the extent that my father noticed it.
                    "It would be better if everyone concentrate on briefing. It is a very important case for us. It's a stain and black mark mark to our department. We have been fooled by the Bl**dy Mafia and that MP. Didnt  think he would make his daughter get involved in it for his selfishness. Don't waver your mind elsewhere. " Mr. Vardhan said. I started to concentrate on the briefing. It came to an end. "So we have to talk with the special force that previously handled this case." Officer Indhu said. "But The forensic team's head who handled the case previously  is with us" Mr. John said.  " The forensic team just have the evidences obtained in the crime scene. But the investigation team alone know the persons to be investigated. So I request to see the investigation team by tomorrow.  "Officer Indhu said.
          For some reason, i was not so happy with the meeting of that team. I was so uncomfortable. But we should proceed with what the investigation team's head wants. And now it's her. So I can't say anything.
             "That's it with the briefing. We will proceed with the reinvestigation. First I want everyone to look through the previous case history thoroughly. Find where it went wrong. Everyone come up with a reason. I won't be following this case. I leave everything  to officer Indhu. Give ur full support to her. " Mr. Vardhan said. Everyone left. I left the office. But my feet couldn't move an inch. I stopped at the door, as if waiting for someone. I had a huge guilt.
                  The door opened. She came out. She noticed me at the entrance. Our eyes met, but it's just for a moment. Soon she walked away. My eyes followed her. I saw her left to the office kitchen. Maybe for some coffee. I started to wonder "how she wants it?(ofc he meant the coffee 😉😼)". 
              "Not yet apologised to her ,huh??" Mr. John asked. "I'm trying Mr.John!" I said. "You are not trying anything Mr. Harsha . You were just staring at her . All the time. "He said grouchily. "It's my business John. Its between me and my wife. She maybe your friend ...or whatever .. but still it has nothing to do with you. "I said heatedly. I said the word WIFE. I started to think is it the way you treat ur wife. I know I'm wrong. But still it wounded my pride. I'm trying.
               I went to my cabin . I'm ashamed of myself for everything I've done to Indhu. I wanted to apologise to her. I just don't know where to start. No matter what, I should apologise to her today. Its 6pm. I thought of stopping by her office. But i thought I should meet her at home. So went home taking some of the case files for review. I drove in my car. Thinking all the way, how should I apologise to her !!HOW SHOULD I???

    Hey guys hope you liked it. It took me a while to come up with the words. But I think I tried my best.
        Harsha is struggling, right !!But can't justify him tho...
      🌱So what will happen now?
      🌱How he would apologise to her?
       🌱Why he was so uncomfortable to meet the with previous investigation team??
        🌱Now they are working together..where will it will lead them ??
Stay tuned to find the answers. Please do comment your thoughts 💬💬
Love you loads ❤️ keep supporting your rookie writer ✊💜

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