Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

Mina-Mall-being forced to shop


“You have to look hot if you want that guy you like to think you’re cute,” Farah argued. I raised a naturally perfect shaped eye-brow at her.

“And since when do I have to try to do that?”

Farah chuckled.

“What,” I asked self-consciously. Why does she always do that to me?

“You are the most egotistical person I know,” she said in awe. “I don’t think ANYTHING could make you say that you weren’t the most perfect, stunning, confident, and HOT being on the planet.”

“You know what, Farah?”


“I don’t think so either,” we burst out laughing. “You are an angel too sometimes…” she continued almost warily, her eyes narrowed skeptically.

“And sort of the devil in the same way…”

“How so,” My forehead creased as I skimped through designer.

“I mean, you seem so perfect and sweet on the outside, which in a way, you still are on the inside, but you have an obsessive pull that draws people near you, and it’s like gravity. You can’t really fight it… at all, and sometimes, you truly are good and sweet and perfect, but in most cases, you don’t like people half as much as they like you,” I nodded slowly.

“You are Soooo weird. And look what you did; your rambling made me hungry.”

“Let’s go eat then,” she mumbled.

Noooooooo, it’s your fault I’m hungry, so I get to eat and you do my shopping,” I handed her my silver credit card.

She looked appalled and then pissed. “And you can get stuff for yourself too, on me. Meet me at the food-court.”

“Awwww, Malina, your heart isn’t totally black.”

“Haha, yeah, get to it, and BTW, my name is Mina.”

“Actually, it’s Mimi, Mali, and Malina.”

“That’s not true.”

“But tell me, where in the name Malina did you get the name Mina?”

“If you take out the first “A” and the “L” then you have the cutest nickname ever: Mina.”

“But Mina Venus isn’t exactly a catch.”


“Malina Venus and Mali Venus are a catch,” I ignored her and walked away with an indifferent expression.

Was that…URGH, I shouldn’t have to ask.

“What the hell are you doing here too?”

“I was just looking for you,” Will smiled his Adam Brody smile and I glared at him for stalking me.

“So you’re a siren?”

“Yes I am,” he smiled. He was clueless, but still cute. “Why do you ask?”

“I thought we were an entirely beautiful species, but I suppose not…” I circled him, like a lioness intimidating her prey. He looked nervous now, at my professional sneer. I wasn’t sure if he were even worth pursuing. Sweating already?

“What,” he finally caved.

“Oh, nothing, just keep it into considering that I sense fear.”

He laughed adorably. See when I try the scary stuff on purpose, people did that. My eyes turned blue and my cheeks flushed redder.

He laughed harder. “Please, don’t hurt yourself,” I mumbled, stalking over to the mini McDonald’s inside the huge mall.

“Heyyy,” he grabbed on my arm.

“Don’t touch my arm, my eyes flashed black, then back to their primal state: gray.

“That was scary, Malina,” he laughed and placed his hand on his heart.

“HAHA, shut up!”

He laughed again.

“You aren’t helping your case, ya know, right?”

“What case?”

“The one where you’re trying to make me like you, ya know that case,” I clarified.

“You are so stupid.” That’s rude. No one has ever called me stu- the S word and not sorry.

“HAHA, shut up,” I laughed in his face.

“That’s your only comeback, so I don’t think I have to worry about you showing me up.”

“There’s no one watching, but it still matters if someone burns you?” He nodded slowly. I laughed thins time. He crossed his slightly muscular arms. He wasn’t like crazy muscular, but in a cute way. He glared at me with his now hateful sapphire eyes. As he slightly leaned in with his glare, I noticed some very boyish freckles. He had messy spiky black hair. That actually highlighted the sparkles in the blue eyes. Well I know I’m belittling myself by looking thins intently at a boy that’s stupid enough to call me stupid, but he’s coming kinda close to me, scanning every part of my perfection.

I could tell because he had the regular symptoms for Diva feva (An OBNOXIOUS term the blonde bitch has taken to saying when the new guys fall for me.)

I made a mental list:

1)      His eyes were huge

2)      His forehead was creased with concentration

3)      He wouldn’t blink

4)      His cheeks were flushed

But the weird thing is that I was looking at my reflection through his eyes and I was doing the same.

“I have to…meet a friend…” I broke the silence and walked away as if I’d just seen a ghost, or a him…..

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