Chapter 10

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WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW CHAPTER 10!! This is the furthest I've gotten in a book (that i haven't deleted) and I hope I'll write many more. :)


Mina-totally bored.

I had been sitting on the bench waiting for Farah for at least an hour. Where the hell is she? I can't believe she stood me up.

Stupid blonde. What good is she if she can’t even come to a date?

I checked my watch and groaned. It was noon.

"That's it," I grumbled. Farah is dead to me, and it's official this time. 

"Mina," I heard in two directions.

I looked one way and it was Farah. She was standing there, sheepish. Her pink lip was in her mouth, probably being chewed to pieces.

I wanted to hit her.

To east it was Will. Sweaty, in his football uniform. I love fall sports.


He ran to me, and our bodies slammed together.

"Mina," he mumbled again, taking my face in his hands, and crashing his soft lips to mine.

I let out a quiet moan as I opened my mouth as wide as I could, tangling my fingers in soft, brown hair.

He giggled and grabbed my small waist.

"EH hem," Someone cleared their throat.

I easily ignored them as Will picked me up bridal style without breaking the kiss. 

“Malina Venus, I am trying to speak with you!” I recognized the voice this time, and was increasingly agitated.

I rolled my eyes.

I pointed to Will and made a hand gesture that signaled her to shoo.

She rolled her eyes back.

Fine, but meet me at the house when you…finish.”

Will and I giggled.

We waited for her figure to disappear.

He sat down on the bench, keeping me on his lap.

“What,” I blushed, turning away. He was looking at me funnily or funny. Which ever.

“I was just wondering…”


He glared at me. “I was wondering if that was what you chose,” he whispered.

I probably looked puzzled.

“To be more than friends…with me?”

I laughed.


He looked at me.

“Will, Will, Will.”

“What,” he snapped.

“You are completely stupid!”


“I always chose you,” I pulled him closer to me by his shirt and kissed him, hard.

He pulled away, breathless.

“So? Are we dating?”

I rolled my eyes at him and kissed him again.

I took him longer to pull away from me this time, but he managed.

“Will, I can’t date you, you’re dumb.”

“Please tell me that’s not the actual reason.”

I shrugged. “It is what it is.”

Will sighed and pushed me off of his lap.

“You’re such a girl, Will! Are you saying we can’t just hook up?”

“You sound like you’re from Jersey Shore, Mina.”

I pouted. He was right, I totally did.

“Well, call me when you get less loser-ish, Will.” I turned away.

“Well don’t call me at all,” Will said, smug that he even had a comeback.

We sat in silence for a moment. “I bet Conner wants me to call. Maybe I’ll do that later.”

He rolled his eyes at me.


I turned my head slowly to him. “I am so not a bitch, Will.”

“I never said-“

I tapped my left temple.

“Shit,” he mumbled. I stood. “Oh and remember when I said that ‘I always chose you’ crap? Remember that’s just a pick up line for next time you hear it.”

I walked away from him.


Mina- feeling like a….a..a Farah

“Back so soon,” a cocky voice called as I crossed through the threshold into my house.

I ignored her and calmly shut the door.

Then Belle came up to me. “Hungry?”

I nodded.

“Then go cook,” she shoved me into the kitchen.


“Well sorry! I’d have burned the house down! I’m so pissed at Sienna.”

I rolled my eyes. “Can you even name a time that you weren’t  ‘so pissed at Sienna?’”


Sienna walked in. “Don’t complain about what you started, bitch.”

“Enough,” I shouted. They looked at me, stunned that I actually cared, as I pulled out the ingredients for lasagna.

“I’ve heard that word too many times today.”

“Too many, or would this be the second time?”

I turned around.

“So you do stalk me,” I told Farah.

“So you do admit,” she fired back.

Belle and Sienna scampered out of the room as I got into my fight position.

“Look, I know you like him, but he’s mine.”

“Not according to what I saw!”

“According to what you saw, you’re a stalker!”

“Fine, I am! Just admit you and Will are done, so I can have him.”

I rolled my eyes, but deep down I was in shock.

Farah couldn’t be that serious about Will. I’m not… I think.

“Farah, I hate when we fight, okay. Just let it go for now.”


I sighed. “Then how about this. We both fight for him, BECAUSE you agree that Will and I never dated secretly or publicly, meaning that he is open.”

Farah hugged me. “Thanks Mimi.”

“Shut up.”


A+ FOR YOUR PATIENCE.Thank you!!!! This only took me so long because I didn’t really have any motivation to post, but thankfully, I got some from @ChaiseMarchelle. Thanks a TON!


 (sorry it's short!"


Shout out to @BuddYHollY

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