Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Mina- History-IN A FUNK

So everything was okay with Farah...I guess. Will was a totally different case. I've broken up with a lot of guys, trust me, and usually, they just cut you out of their live. But with this fucking guy, I can't go three minutes without getting a text from him totally bitching me out. Bitch. It's like I'm the guy sometimes.

In siren history class he would glare at the back of my head. And yes, he was actually glaring at the back of my head. Don't ask me how I know these things- I just do.

"He's still looking at you," Farah unnecessarily informed me. There was a bitter tone in her voice so I could tell she was still totally jealous.

"I know."

"Well what does he want?"

If only I could tell her...

Wait, I actually could!

Isn't forgetting that you aren't human and possess unnatural and unmatched powers just dandy. I cleared my head and decided to find out what he wanted my way.

'Answer me, Mina. Now. I know you can hear this. I hate you. You are so ugly. I didn't want to hook up with you because I can't stand your face. I-'

But then it turned itself off. How weird.

Then again, maybe if I payed attention during this stupid class, I'd know why that just happened.

Too sum things up, it's been a week since Will and I "split" even though we weren't ever dating. Now I'm kind of in a funk. I haven't kissed a boy since that day and I swear my lips are twitching from longing.

I couldn't do anything right. I tried making Sienna's crush to like her and failed miserably. My eyes wouldn't change from the dark brown color that they were currently (not that it didn't look amazing on me or anything) and I have been so stressed out that I haven't been able to make it to classes on time.

The sound of the supernatural bell pulled me out of whatever trance I'd gotten myself stuck in. That and Farah shaking me.

"Could you please not shake my like a Polaroid picture? You're in the wrong decade."

She laughed at my nonjoke. So much for trying to be a bitch.

Most of the attendees of the class today were gone, including the less than pleasant Ms. Hench who had taken a particular liking to me for some unknown reason.

Meaning I had to get out of here or I'd be late for my next class. And there is no way that I am repeating junior year.

I slowly picked myself up and Farah helped me gather all my books to hasten the process.

"Hey, Malina," addressed a low voice. It wasn't THE low voice, but it was a voice and it was...low.

I sleepily turned around and then perked up within seconds. "Conner! Long time no see!"

He furrowed his cute eyebrows. "I see you everyday."

I pretended not to hear that. "We need to hang out like yesterday. I wonder what we should do? OH! We could go scuba divning."

"I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to come over."

I smiled at him, confused. "Come over where?"

"Uh, to my place" cough "It's going to be really cool, and there's gonna a few other people over there. Just hanging out, though."

"Like a party?"

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