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Summer break, no more school, no more homework. Freedom is here and everyone is about to enjoy it.

Y/N is in his room packing his suitcase to go on holiday, emptying his wardrobe to try to fit everything in. He sighs when his phone rings, It's Tom. He answers the call and put Tom on speaker.

"Hello you"
"Hello, Bag Boy!!"
"HEY! Don't even start with this!"
"It's not me, it's the viewers."

Since he has made that first stream with Ton, people have noticed his french accent and started calling him Bag Boy. It's very funny but Y/N can't stop thinking about the other meaning this could have...

"What are you doing?" Tom asked listening to Y/N struggling over something
"I'm packing my stuff for tomorrow!"
"Tomorrow? Where are you going?
"Ugh, you never listen to what I say, I'm going to Bournemouth for 2 weeks"
"2 weeks! It's so long!"
"I'll still be joinable don't worry. I will record a vlog I think"
"Oooooo, so you want to try youtube now?!"
"I want to make a vlog, I don't know if I'm going to post it."
"I'm sure it will be good! You're still good for tonight's recording?"
"Of course!"

Both of the boys kept chatting for a bit, talking about who is going to be in the recording and what Y/N is going to do in Bournemouth. Y/N hung up, his parents called him for lunch.

On his side, Tom finally gets out of its room for the first time of the day. He goes downstairs to get his breakfast and sees his mother.

His mother's joking about the fact that Tom wakes up very late lately and told him to look up for flats in Brighton.

Tom finishes his breakfast and goes into his office to look for a flat. He finds a few of them who seems to be great, so he sends those to Wilbur to get his opinion.

"The third one is great and bigger if you want to separate your office from the rest of your house

It's just my opinion, it's your choice after all "
"I'll have to visit them to see, I'll send a message to the landlords."
"Ask them if you can visit them next week and you can stay at my place."
"Of course"

Tom send messages to the landlords, set everything up for recording tonight and will chill all afternoon watching videos...

The evening comes, everyone joins the vc: Y/N, Tom, Tubbo, Ranboo, Charlie and Wilbur.

They're recording a natural disaster mod video. Tom and Y/N stayed together and kept fighting with Ranboo and Tubbo while Charlie and Wilbur were scientists trying to understand the function of natural disasters.

They spend two hours of recording, later they finally end the video and stayed on the call talking except Charlie who had other things to do.

"Did you receive any answers from the landlords yet?" Wilbur asked
"Yeah, they're ok for next week!"
"So you're finally moving?" Toby says
"Everyone's going to the south soon" Ranboo adds
"Since when you're leaving?" Y/N asked confused
"Yeah about that... I wanted to see you to tell you."
"Right. Anyway, I'm tired and leaving tomorrow. Bye guys"

Y/N left the call before people could answer him.

"Well done Tom!" Ranboo says clapping his hands
" he took it so bad!" Toby add
" Why? I wanted to tell him in real, not by a text"
" But you've been talking about this for a while now, you hadn't had the chance to tell him?"
" Well, I forgot"
" You should have told him since you're a thing now"
"A what?! We're not together guys"
"WHAT?" All 3 boys said together.
"What were you thinking?"
"Well to the last news you were kind of into him and vice versa"

Tom side in front of his computer, he can't deny what they are saying.of course I'll write it in the past Tom told them about his feelings but, why didn't something happen then? Even Tom doesn't know. The opportunity didn't present itself and the boys were getting closer and closer every day.

Baguette Boy 2 ~ Tommyinnit X readerWhere stories live. Discover now