(BONUS) Lovejoy First gig

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In Brighton, after Y/n and Tom finally moved together, they were living a happy life. Y/n looking out for a job and Tom says he doesn't have to but Y/n doesn't want to depend on Tom and wants to pay rent as well.

After a morning of almost arguments because of that, they finally realised they were arguing over nothing and laughed about it.

"No but seriously though, find something you really like even if you have to wait a few months to find it." Tom said to Y/n knowing his previous job at the café, even though he ended up liking it, it's not something he would want to do all his life.

"Don't worry about that, I love torturing myself but I'll keep it soft for now." Y/n giggled saying that.

"What time is it?" Tom asked, rubbing his eyes, noticing the light from the outside peeking through the blinds

Y/n grabs his phone. "It's 11" He put down his phone and put the blanket above him a sign of not wanting to get up. Tom does the same.

"Hello there"

"I don't want to get up." He closes his eyes to try and make Tom stop trying to get him up

"I think I made this conclusion this far, but do you remember what's happening today?"

"It's international sleep day."

"You wish" Tom giggled "It's the first gig of Lovejoy tonight, and we have to be there in 4 hours."

Y/n opens his eyes wide and looks shocked at Tom. He suddenly gets out of bed and goes toward the bathroom. "Come on Tom wake up, it's no time to sleep."

Tom looks at Y/n going to the bathroom, astonished, shocked. "Wait did you really just... You fucker"

Y/n laughed in the bathroom and Tom easily heard it. "You think you're funny right now?"

"Very funny even."

Both of the boys dress up and eat lunch before going to the gig place.

In there they meet Will and his band, they are organising the scene for the show of tonight.

"Hello lovers!" Will said in the mic that resonated in the room so everyone knows you're here. Discretion is done

"Hey Willby, How you doing?"

"Shut up Y/n." He said while the boys were getting close to him to embrace him

Both boys were called to help the band get ready for tonight, but honestly, they were just sitting down and watching everything happen without doing anything.

When everything was ready, they had around one hour of free time so Y/n decided to ask something.

"Can I try this guitar?" Pointing at Wilburs

"You know how to play?"

"Well, a bit"

Wilbur got up and took his guitar to give it to Y/n. He started by stroking a few strings before playing some notes.

Tom was low-key recording him with admiration because I never heard him play the guitar before and decided to post it as a story.

An hour passed and people began to enter the room, some noticed Y/n and Tom but they were more focused on waiting for Lovejoy to come on stage.

The gig was awesome, everyone sang and danced to every music they played. Tom even played singing with them at the moment, he looked like he had realised one of his dreams.

When the gig was over, everyone regrouped outside for a pic and Tom and Y/n went back to see Wilbur and spend the rest of the night with him and his band.

A/n: Coming soon...

A/n: Coming soon

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