(Bonus) University

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September has finally arrived, the hot weather, the shiny beach view from Tom's flat. Y/n is awake, in a living room, drinking a hot chocolate like usual in the morning.

It's 7 a.m, very early for Y/n but he was too stressed to find sleep again. Today was his first day at University, new people, new town, that scares him a lot.

He finishes his hot chocolate, puts the mug in the sink, and puts his shoes on to go outside on the beach. Going there in the morning is calming and relaxing, hearing the waves crash on the sand, seagulls flying and singing in the sky.

He sits down on the bitch and stares at the see, imagining all the things that could happen today, he could not find his class or be in the wrong one, don't make any friends or people just being mean to him for any other reason.

Suddenly his phone vibrates in his pocket, he looks at it to see a message from Tom

"Where are you?"

Y/n began typing an answer. "Outside on the beach"

Tom sees the message but does not answer, Y/n put his phone back in his pocket and began thinking again.

Tom interrupted his thoughts by sitting next to him and putting an arm around his waist.


Y/n turn his head to look at Tom, with his messy hair, showing he's just got out of bed.

"Hi" he said laying his head on Tom's shoulder.

Tom went to kiss him on the head. "stressing don't you?"

"mmh mmh" He mumbled, affirming what Tom already knew. "Come on you're worrying about nothing, it's going to be great!"

"I know, I know" "It's gonna be as great as it has been 2 years ago" "Meeting my future boyfriend throwing up in the toilets?" Y/n giggled "You should be scared then, I might replace you."

Tom starts tickling Y/n which makes him fall onto the sand. "OH MY GOD STOP" he said laughing on the ground and trying to prevent Tom from tickling him. "You love me too much to do that. I won't stop tickling until you say so." Tom resumes the tickling

"YOU WIN, YOU WIN!" "I still don't hear it..." "Ok fine. I love you." Tom pulls Y/n from the ground and sits back next to him. "Ugh, I have sand in my hair now"

"It's fine you can wash them." Both of the boys stand up. "You're going to wash them or it's my fist in your face" "It's a sign of my love to you." Y/n stays silent, picks a hand full of sand and pours it on Tom's hair. He stands there shocked.

"It's a sign of my love for you," Y/n said harbouring a big smile, as he was very proud to play Tom's game.

"I wash your hair, you mine." After Tom said that, both of the boys walked back to Tom's flat and got their hair washed.

Y/n picks up his bag, in it, there's a pencil case and his computer. He still gives a second glance at it to be sure there's everything in it. He put it on his shoulder while Tom enters the room all dressed. "Ready to go?" He says to Y/n. "You're coming?" "Yeah, of course" "Don't feel obliged to come because I'm stressed." "No, but I want to go with you so we go."

Both the boys left the flat walking alongside the beach to go to the university. Hopefully, the uni is not far from the flat. When they arrived at the Pier they were just a few minutes from there.

They both entered the Campus and walked towards le building in which Y/n had his first meeting with the people of his class.

"I guess we're here." Y/n said looking in front of him at the mass of people, maybe around 300 people. "I'm sure it's gonna be fine." Tom said.

"I'm going then, see you later." Y/n leaves Tom to go into the mass of people very anxious, maybe it's because there are a lot of people or they don't know them or where he is or all of this makes him anxious.

As he walks toward them, he can see everyone going into the auditorium, so he just follows the flow.

Entering the auditorium, he's looking for a place to sit, and of course with almost being the last one to enter there's no place alone. He sees a place near the front so he goes towards it.

He sees a bag at the place he wants to sit. "Can I sit here?" He asks to the girl next to the bag.

"Oh yeah of course!" She picks her bag up and put it on the ground, Y/n sits down next to her.

"Thanks." He said to her to be polite "I'm Sheryl by the way" "I'm Y/n"

"If you're here you're either gay, depressed, both or lost"

"What?!" Y/n said confused but giggling a little

"I mean, look at me, look around, it's the fucking pride here, it's English literature." She said laughing as she looked Y/n looking around

"So it's a real thing, not just rumours, it's one kind of a pride here" They both laugh while the teacher are coming in and the presentation of the year started.

"In what group are you?" Sheryl asked Y/n in the middle of the presentation

"Group 4, If I remember correctly" "We're in the same group!" "We're definitely sitting next to each other" Y/n said before focusing back on the presentation.

After the presentation, Y/n and Sheryl went to their classes all day long, grammar, literature and civilisation, their first day ends at 4.30. They both walk out of the Campus, chatting when they saw from afar, Tom waiting for Y/n

Y/n leads the way toward Tom. "Are you about to socialise now?" Sheryl asked clearly seeing their change of direction. "Watch me"

Tom sees Y/n and took off his air pods. "Hey!" He said extending his arm for a hug.

"Oh, it's the boyfriend" "It's me" Tom chuckled "Yeah my boyfriend." Y/n said looking at Tom, he never said it before. "So this is Sheryl, Sheryl this is Tom" both of them were introduced before going their separate ways.

A/N : A little inspired by real events
(Me in British Civilisation class✨)

A/N : A little inspired by real events (Me in British Civilisation class✨)

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