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I entered a restaurant with Wilbur. It's well decorated and feels warm here, it's very cosy. A man is coming our way.

"Hi William."

"Hey Thomas."

Both the man hugs each other, and then Thomas looks at me.

"You must Tommy." He holds out his hand.

"Hi" I shake his hand harbouring a big smile.

"Soo you're ready for tonight?" He asked very excitedly.

"A bit nervous so I want to make sure that everything is perfect."

"In that case follow me"

Thomas seemed to be a nice guy. He showed us around. He was beginning with a table next to a window with a beautiful view of the beach. He proposed to us a countless number of dishes to be served to us tonight.

He even showed us the kitchen, we didn't ask for all of this but he seemed proud of his restaurant.


I go back into Tom's flat with Ranboo and Toby.

"You made a mess both of you in there!" Ranboo said looking at Tom's flat.

"Well, it's mostly Tom's mess but yeah, we've been out most of the time."

Some time passes and we've been talking a lot, and it's now lunchtime.

" you guys know what Tom is up to?" I asked them curiously to see if they knew something...

Both of the boys looked at each other and start laughing

" I don't know" Ranboo said

" Who is Tom? I don't know any Tom." Toby added

"You little piece of shit, you're all up to something!"

They both lost while I'm sitting here in the secrets.

"Anyway, what do you guys want to eat? It's on me" Toby said which made quite the reaction

"Yes, I'm starving!" Ranboo shouted.

"Me too!" I added

Toby ordered the food and all the boys had a great lunch.

in the afternoon, Ranboo and Toby kept Y/N entertained by waiting until 7 pm to go accompany Y/N to the restaurant.

When it was finally time, Ranboo and Toby accompanied Y/N to the restaurant and when they were there, a waiter lead Y/N towards a table where Tom was sitting.

"So that's what you were planning all day long?" I said going for a hug

"Well, yeah!" He hugs him back.

They both sit down 

"How was your day with the boys?"

"Great, hopefully, they were there because I was beginning to be bored, not gonna lie"

"Yeah, sorry about that..."

"Don't worry, it was not a problem at all."

The boys ate dinner and kept on chatting until 10 pm.  After that, they went to the beach they were seeing from the restaurant and sit on the sand.

"So was it good?" Tom asked 

Y/N look at Tom. "It was perfect." He lays his head on Tom's shoulder.

Tom put an arm around him. "I wish we could have days like these forever." 

"Me too."

Both of the boys went silent, only the waves crashing on the beach could be heard and people passing through.

"I love you." Tom said suddenly. Y/N get back straight and look at Tom.

"I never told you that, but now it's a perfect time. With you, I feel like I can do anything and I want to spend part of my life with you." Tom takes Y/N's hands, gets up and walks on the beach.

"Even if for now we're not living close to each other now, I know I can trust you with everything and maybe after your graduation we could live together if you want to..."

Y/N stops walking and pulls Tom in for a kiss. "I love you too. This was the most wonderful thing someone has ever told me. Even with the distance, I also believe in us  and I like your idea of sharing a house together." 

Y/N and Tom hug and kiss each other on the beach, ending this wonderful little night.

Days have passed since the date and now it's finally time for Y/N to go back to Nottingham, just like last time Tom accompany him to London and drop him at the train station to go back home. They said their goodbyes at the train station and Y/N takes the train and that ends his wonderful holiday in the south.

A/N: Thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment your reactions

We're close to an end...

For those leaving comments, what are you expecting next? I've already written the end soo I want to see if you can guess. There are 5/6 chapters left.

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