America, here we go!

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Y/N enters the café, and in his hand is a resignation letter. He had worked hard in the café and since his father had found a new job, he could keep the money he was earning. In his bank account was now around £7,000, with never spending his money it was easy to have this amount of money.

But now, with his trip to America with Tom, Y/N had to leave the job, and it was for the best! He didn't want to keep up working here. 

Don't get him wrong, he actually enjoyed working there, when he had found the balance between his work life and normal life, but he didn't want to do this all his life.

He wanted to find something he really liked.

Leaving the café, Y/N got back to his house and pick up his suitcase, to leave Nottingham to go to London.

He's going to meet Ranboo in London since he's already there and Tom and Tuboo were going to join them the day after. Y/N decided to send a message to Ranboo.

"Hello mister Boo, where are we meeting in London?"

"We can meet you at the station or we can meet somewhere in Soho?"

"As you want, just tell me when the moment comes."

"No problem."

Y/N headed to the train station and hop on the train to London listening to the last album by Harry Styles.

Almost in London, Y/N received a message from Ranboo

"We're at the station waiting for you!"


Y/n gets off the train and notices Ranboo right away, he's very tall and beside him was another teen not too short in contrast with him. Y/N didn't recognise him, he never saw him in a video or anything.

"Hey!" Y/N said to both of the boys

"Hi!" Ranboo said

"Hi I'm Warren!" The other boy said holding his hand out.

"Aaaah, Warren nice to finally meet you." Y/N said shaking his hand

"Finally?" Warren stayed interrogated and Y/N looked at Ranboo who was staring at Y/N

"Tom talked about Ranboo's new friends so, I already heard of you."

 All of the boys left the station to hang around London and have a drink at Kingsley court.

Warren proposed to get the drinks for the boys, which left Y/N and Ranboo alone.

"Ok so are you..?" He said to Ranboo looking at Warren.

"No no no, we're not together, he's my best friend, well I think."

"Oh, nice!"

Warren comes back with 2 cokes and one cocktail.

"Who took a cocktail?" Ranboo said

"Me bi*ch." Y/N said taking his cocktail from Warren's hands. "Thank you."

"He knows what he wants!" Warren said sitting back down. Y/N looked at him agreeing with him.

"I see that. The others are not far from here actually, they should be there in 20 minutes."

The boys were drinking when the group finally arrived. Tom, Tubbo and Wilbur were walking in their direction and joined them. They all greet each other and sit with them to drink, before their flight tonight.

After finishing their drinks, they all went to the airport and waited for their flight.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Y/N said to Tom looking through his phone about places they could visit when they arrived in L.A.

"Yeah we have 3 days, then Vid-con and then 2 days, I'm sure we can go to many places!" Tom said astonished by all the places Y/N finds to visit.

"I'll have to find something to do while you're at Vid-con, maybe go around town to discover the culture."

"Wait, you're not coming?" Tom sound surprised

"Am I?" Y/N asked as he thought he wasn't going to go since he doesn't have anything to do there.

"Well of course! This trip is not also to go to America but also Vid-con and we can invite someone so... you better get this extra ticket."

"I'm only going for the extra ticket." Y/N said to annoy Tom

"Of course you are!" Tom said making a face.

Y/N rubbed Tom's hair "Yeah, always!" He said smirking.

Toby comes close to them. "So what do you think about those two?" He said looking at Ranboo and Warren.

"Wrong story tubs" Tom said.

"Yeah it's not the Crown here, it's our story." Y/n add

"I know but I wanted to know..." Toby said.

Can you all stop and focus on the story? And stop breaking the fourth wall, I don't want to deal with this. I said to all of them as they are making my work more and more difficult.

The three boys laughed as they are making fun of the narrator.

The plane got announced and all of them joined the queue to wait and board on the plane.

On the plane, Tom is seated next to the window with Y/N and Toby and Ranboo, Warren and Wilbur behind us. Tom pulled out his phone to make an Instagram story, on it was written "America, here we go!"

A/N: The audacity of these characters I swear to god...

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