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At 2.15 p.m., the car carrying Lev Nikolay, Liam Walder Bleuler, and Baldric Akselrod departed from the Grand Hotel Zvezda. The green dot that Rosie was monitoring moved as they expected. To the north towards the base as well as Lev Nikolay's mansion was located. In the northern part of the city of Tver. Litvinki.

Noticing the definite movement of Peter's green dot moving north, Rosie doubted herself again. She feels sad. Her shoulders drooped, and her aura radiated disappointment.

"Don't be sad, Chipmunk. Everything will be fine. We can still find out the real culprit behind the attack." Rattle squeezed Rosie's shoulder and encouraged her. That's true. They had anticipated this. Therefore, Rattle asked for a tracking device to be attached to a definite target who had just arrived from Seoul, South Korea. They would still find out who the target would meet. No matter what, they would rearrange plans to approach the target. Even if they have to start over from scratch.

The red dot that Rattle was monitoring had turned north and kept going until it stopped at a small area near the Tversta River. Nosovo, Tver Oblast. So that's where the main target was. Rattle immediately searched for information regarding that small area. Who lives there from the Russian population data.

Beside her, five minutes later, at 2:35 p.m., Peter's green dot stopped at Lev Nikolay's mansion in Litvinki. The sound in her earpiece made her straighten her back.

"Wait a moment, I will ask my men to carry the goods that I need to take to our destination," Lev Nikolay's words caught their attention. Including Rattle.

This means Lev Nikolay's mansion in Litvinki was not their final destination as they thought. They were all wondering where was Lev Nikolay would take Liam?

The question began to be answered after fifteen minutes later, precisely at 2:50 p.m., Peter's green dot moved again.

"I can't come empty-handed." Once again, Lev Nikolay's words heard in their earpieces piqued their curiosity. Peter, who faced Lev Nikolay directly, was no less curious. But with impeccable acting, he still kept his calm demeanor and answered Lev with a smile and a nod.

Rosie and Ruby looked closely at Peter's green dot moving back to the town of Tver but moving toward the Southwest. Meanwhile, Rattle was still busy with her search while occasionally glancing at Rosie's laptop screen.

Fifteen minutes later, their hearts pounded as Peter's green dot turned and took the highway heading northwest from Tver. The same path that was taken by Richardo Huges, Im Soe Jin, and Jad Akil before.

Their confidence and enthusiasm were revived when Peter's point turned North at the crossroads. That way, they started to be pretty sure. Even Rattle had left her laptop and was watching Peter's green dot glow ever closer to the same spot as the red dot she had been monitoring before. Nosovo, Tver Oblast.

They slightly couldn't believe their luck. If this could be considered as luck, Peter's green dot stopped at the same point as their target. That means Rosie's analysis wasn't wrong. She didn't do any mistakes. It's just that there was no information linking Lev Nikolay with Nosovo, Tver Oblast.

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