part 2:finding rocky

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a few minutes later...

geo:alright pups and Ryder, let's find you friend and destroy the pin that has full control of him once and for all!

geno said as the pups howled for action to get rocky back to normal and destroy the pin that he had. they all used with the pups in their suits along side geno and Ryder who was leading the team.

Ryder:so geno, whats going on? why is rocky gone? whats happening?

geo:whats going on is that your friend rocky is possessed by a dangerous pin, the reason why he's gone is that he is hunting for innocent dear or human flesh, and I do not know what on earth is happening just yet but I will find out very soon.

geno said. Ryder nodded with agreement while following geno to rocky.

meanwhile with rocky...

rocky was all alone in the middle of the woods with no possible way to escape this pin.

rocky:p-plase stop this...y-your driving me into a mad state of bloodshed.

rocky's form changed showing a were pup face.

werepuppy rocky:so what if I am, I'm just a pin connected to you.there will be no escape unless that cursing geno shows up.

rocky:wait...he's real?!

rocky asked his werepup  self in the water.

werepuppy:yes he is real, but he's only after me...and me only. I need your body so...SUCK IT UP!!!

werepup said trying to transform again into rocky's body. once he did, the were pup saw his own rocky reflection in the pond water.

rocky:p-p-please...dont do this...


werepup manically laughed as he ran towards a fresh deer. rocky was now a shadow following him.

rocky's thoughts:guys...please save me form this pin...and if geno is real, let him join the team and grant him a huge thank you...please me before its too late...

rocky's shadow thought to himself as he continued to follow the werepuppy.

to be continued...

geno vs the were pup curseWhere stories live. Discover now