part 3:found by them

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penny and her pup "bolt" were coming over to adventure bay with bolt's friends mittens and rhino.

penny:i'm glad we can spend some time here, dont you guys?

bolt:yea, and to think of it penny...I never knew anyone would be able to figure out that me, mittens,and rhino could actually speak like you and have...actual powers from just a tv show...

penny:i know, it's amazing but kind of scary at the same time.

mittens:I could agree with you on

mittens said before she was the 1st to see a wolf walking towards the bay.

rhino:what is it mittens?

mittens:huh? oh n..nothing rhino...nothing...

rhino:oh okay, I mean it's not like we are gonna Hera a howl form a wolf in adventure-

rhino was interrupted with a wolf howl that all penny, bolt,mittens,and even rhino head form the bay.

penny:oh no...

penny said as she,bolt,mittens, and rhino all rushed to see what's happening. but when they got there they saw a wolf howling again. then this wolf looked at them and started to growl at them specifically at penny

bolt:don't worry...I'll take care of this penny...

bolt said as the wolf started to walk closer to them. but then something had changed the wolf. he started to glitch his half good blood. it was rocky.


rocky started panting. he looked only to see bolt and the others. 

rocky:h-hey. you there! get out of here! or try to save-

rocky was interrupted with a groan of pain. Black ink coming out of his left eye turning into the veracious wolf again. growling at the group, werepup charged at them with speed. 


penny ordered bolt and so he charged at the werepup. they began to fight. bolt used his combat skills with puck,kicks,and bite. while werepup just only used tackle and headbut. eventually bolt had the upper hand and pinned werepup to the ground.

bolt:goodnight monster.

bolt said. but before he could slash him with his claw, he was looking at his eye's. finding the good version of rocky trapped. he didn't scratch the pup instead. he placed his paw down in the were pups heart and head it beating for help. rocky changed to his good self and looked at bolt. m-me...

rocky said to bolt. bolt looked at the others.

bolt:guys! this wolf isn't after food at all! he's possessed!

bolt yelled to the others and they all gasped

penny:oh no. bolt, we have to free that wolf before he turns full evil

rocky:y-yes please...h-help

rocky said before he trend to his evil werepup, kicked bolt towards penny's arms, and ran away for more flesh. 

mittens:i'm really scared right now (no joke)

mittens said as she heard a sneeze form a certain German shepherd. they ll trend around and looked at the paw patrol and geno with them

to be continued... 

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