Part 5: we found him!

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geo:any sign of rocky?

chase:i'm still smelling his scent geno.

rubble:no luck here.

Skye:neither in the sky.

Marshall:not by the tree.

Zuma:not yet.

bolt:where could he-

bolt was interrupted with chase calling the others.

chase:guys, I found his scent. follow me!

chase said and the others followed him. the scent lead them to the werepup curse. the werepup looked at them with furious eyes with rage. black ink eyes with red pupils. he kept staring at the group with teeth of a wild wolf.

werepup:so you finally came huh?

geno:we are here to release you from thsi curse rocky! stand down or I will need to use force against you.


geno:so be,bolt, your with me. the rest of you, get away from here so that you don't get hurt. we'll take care if this curse.

Ryder:okay, guys, lets step aside.

Ryder ordered and everyone nodded with agreement. they letted the battle between the werepup and geno,chase,and bolt. careful bolt...

to be continued...

geno vs the were pup curseWhere stories live. Discover now