Part 6: geno vs werepup

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geno:ready guys.

chase & bolt:ready.

geo:then let us end this curse and destroy the pin

geno commanded and chase went ahead with speed attacking the werepup. chase tackled him as werepup bitted him fiercely. chase yelped for backup and so bolt charged in with his forehead pushing the werepup away form chase. bolt and werepup both battled each other scratching,bitting,punching,kicking,even shoving. but bolt was already tired and so geno had to do something. he came up with a plan.

geno:chase, distract the werepup while I try o get a hold of him until he's knocked out, then take the pin off his collar.

chase:chase is on rocky's case.

geno:alright, wait on my command...

geno siad. bolt was then tackled again by werepup and pinned on the ground.


geno commanded and chase rushed towards the werepup and tackled him. both got up.

bolt:thanks chase.

chase:No problem bolt.

chase said to bolt. werepup got up and geno was now right behind him, grabbing him by the back.

werepup:*groans* let go of me now!

werepup said as he tried to bite geno. geno looked at chase.

geno:CHASE, NOW!

geno commanded and chase charged at werepup taking the pin off his collar. as soon as chase did that werepup passed out on the ground, changing abc into the real rocky.

all pups and Ryder:ROCKY!

the pups and Ryder said and rushed towards rocky. penny, rhino,and mittens rushed with the to check up on rocky. chase along with bolt went with them as well. penny checked his pulse.

penny:he's still alive but is unconscious.

Zuma:what do we do now?

penny:stay close to him, what for a miracle...that's all we can do a the moment.

penny said, everyone nodded with her. just as soon as they did rocky opened his eyes lookin at the others. zuma was the 1st no notice.

Zuma:he's okay!

zuma said and gave rocky a huge hug

zuma:oh Wocky, I missed you so much!

rocky:i-i-i-i missed you too zuma...along with the rets of you guys who are they?

penny:i'm penny, and these are bolt,mittens,and rhino.

geno:you can call me geno.

rocky smiled at them all.

rocky:well, thanks for saving me guys.

Ryder:your our friend rocky, why wouldn't the wya geno,bolt,mittens,penny,and rhino. thank you all for helping us save rocky. for that you are official members of the paw patrol.

Ryder said as he gave out tags resembling the paw patrol logo. geno also got one with his cape color 

geo:thank you Ryder, I will make sure to keep this with me at all times.

Ryder:no problem hyena.

penny:thank you so much Ryder.

bolt:i am honored to be part of the team.


rhino:this is amazing.

Ryder:leys head back to the lookout now, I'm pretty sure we all need some-

Ryder was interrupted with rubble snoring in a deep sleep.

Ryder:sleep...well, rubble seemed tired for a saving

Ryder siad and everyone giggled and laughed. 

geo:well, until we meet again, I will be taking care of everything that need help.

Ryder:okay bye geno

all pups including penny,ittens,and rhino:bye geno!

they all said and geno waved goodbye and teleported. everyone went back at the lookout rot get some rest with their old rocky back. now that he is saved. but skye and chase had a small talk with each other rbefor they went to sleep.

Skye:hey chase, do you maybe wanna plan a vacation for the others?

has:sure skye, we could sue one after this tomorrow.

chase agreed with skye and went to their pup houses to sleep for the day only thinking about the vacation. but chase only thought about skye.

chase:if only I can tell you skye...if only I can tell you...

the end

next time on episode 2...

knockout gas spread the room making all of the pups even Ryder unconscious except for geno.

???:yes we got them all! now we can initiate plan z!

the person said as he along with his side kick grabbed all of the pups and Ryder and carried them. geno teleported to warn chase and skye about this

geno vs the were pup curseWhere stories live. Discover now