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Everyone is from after Apocalypse.

Peter has only Lorna as a sister in this universe.

Erik knows Peter is his son.

They have watched Avengers movies before so they are all up to date when it comes to Marvel.

Disney+ exists.

They have advanced technology.

Peter, Jean, Scott, Storm and Kurt are curled up on the couch together, scrolling through Disney+ looking for something to watch.

"What about that?", Jean asks.

"Which one, there's like a hundred", Peter asks, getting bored of not finding anything good to watch.

"1; There's like only 20, and 2; the one you were just on, the Avengers one."

"The ones who are literally less cool copies of us?", Peter jokes. 

"No, the ones who are cooler than you. Pass me the remote".

"Nope. Not until you take that back", Peter holds remote close to him, crosses his arms, pouts and shakes his head like a child would.

"I only apologize for saying things that aren't true", Jean says and telekinetically snatches it from him.

"Hey. No fair". 

"To me it is".

Just then, Charles comes strolling into the living room.

"What are you guys watching?", he asks.

"Avengers: Age of Ultron. It's the newest Marvel movie!", Kurt exclaims excitedly.

"Oh yes, I've heard it's good. Would you mind if some of the adults join", Charles asks.

"For sure, the more the merrier right", Kurt throws his arms up in the air, whacking Storm and Scott in the face, who give him the evil eye. He apologizes quickly, but only Scott ceases to give him the evil eye.

"Perfect! I'll go get them", Charles strolls out.

Kurt looks around to see if everyone is as excited as he is, there not.

"What's wrong?", he asks.

"What wrong?! What's wrong is that one of those adults is my dad. Now, I have to see him and the professor get all lovey-dovey on the couch. I also can't swear now", Peter cries dramatically.

"Ignoring how much Peter dramatized that, I have a feeling that they're gonna fall asleep during the movie, and we can't make any noise or they're gonna wake up", Scott says, Jean nods in agreement.

Kurt looks at Storm, wondering her reason for being so upset.

"I'm still mad you whacked me in the face", she says angrily.

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