He's Fast and She's Weird

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Everyone is from after Apocalypse.

Peter has only Lorna as a sister in this universe.

Erik knows Peter is his son.

They have watched Avengers movies before so they are all up to date when it comes to Marvel.

Disney+ exists.

They have advanced technology.

Magda isn't alive, she died of breast cancer.




The avengers on back on the quinjet, leaving Sokovia. Natasha interrupts Bruce's opera session.

"Didn't know he listened to opera", Jean said, holding in her laughter. 

Natasha Romanoff: Hey, that lullaby worked better than ever.

Bruce Banner: Ya it did. I just wasn't expecting a Code Green.

Natasha Romanoff: If you weren't there, there would have been double the casualties. We would be at Clint's funeral if it weren't for you.

Bruce Banner: You know, sometimes I hear exactly what I want to hear but it isn't exactly what I want to hear.

Natasha Romanoff: How long until you trust me?

Bruce Banner: It's not you that I don't trust.

Natasha Romanoff: Thor, give me the report on Hulk?

Thor: The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims. 

Everyone slapped their hands on their foreheads in union. 

"You know, for a god whose lived for a thousand years, he still seems pretty unexperienced when it comes to consoling people", Peter shakes his head.

"Well, he just learned how to not be a jerk", Hank reasoned.

Natasha glares at Thor and Bruce groans in despair

Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great lot of complaining and tales of sprained body parts and, and uh... and gout.

"Thor, just, stop talking", Jean said, her hand still on her head.

Tony Stark: Hey Bruce, Dr. Cho is on her way from Seoul, you won't mind if she sets up in your lab?

Bruce Banner: No yeah for sure! She knows her way around.

Tony Stark: Thanks. 

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