{Just a normal day}

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(Quick A/N um so let's get this first announced
Y/N  :  your name
L/N. :  last name
F/N. : Full Name
N/N. : Nick name
H/C  :  hair color of yours
H/L  :  hair Length
E/C  :  eye color
C/C. :  car color
F/C. :   fav color
F/D. :  fav drink
F/F. : fav food
F/fl. : fav flavor
So yeah!! Let's get to the story)


         Today was a day like all the others.
You wake up, you get your coffee, you get ready and drive to work just so you can mope around doing Jack shit all day.

    You get to work at the normal your normal time. You walk in and you see all the kids running and jumping around.
Well shit you thought to yourself.
You go to the back rooms where there is a door with the name "Phil" on it. You have to check in with your manager every morning to talk for a bit.  He helps keep you calm and such, he also needs to do it or you will be a big angry mess. You where never like this, that was until William left of course. You thought it's because he was always around, and maybe you liked him (yes) but you also loved every thing about him. The other employees seemed to get on your nerves after William left. It's like William wouldn't let them mess with me or something.  The closest people you have as friends after William left are the other employees.  Phil was the nicest out of all of them, he was also comforting when it comes to touchy subjects you wish you had not talked about or thought about.

    You knocked on Phil's office door and you here a faint 'come in'. You slowly opened the door to reveal Phil sitting at his desk, but there is a man with him, a man you never seen before. The man looked at you from the chair he was in.
He had blond hair with some brown you can tell it was bleached or something , he had silver-gray eyes with white pupils, he had one piercing on his ear. He wore a purple button up shirt with yellow suspenders. Then you realized you where staring at him.

"Oh, um, am I interrupting something?" You ask shyly.

"Not at all, Y/N. I was going to call you to give Mr. Miller a tour actually" he said wile smiling at you. "He will be working with you tomorrow too so teach him the ropes" Phil or Mr. Guy added.

"How pleasing" you muttered to yourself.
"I was going to come in here to talk a bit, but I sopose I can do that after" you said to them both.

"great!" Mr. Guy said "oh and Y/N don't push them too hard" he added. You gave a Devilish grin.

"We'll come on now" you said wile motioning your hand to make him follow you as you walked out the door.

"So... Y/N-" you cut him off,

"It's (Mr./Ms./none) L/N to you" you snapped at him.

"Alrighty, Y/N" he said as he chuckled . He had a Texan accent .
You roles your eyes and scoffed.

This is going to be a long day...

(Howdy readers!! The first chapter was a pain, but I think I got the plot of how I want this story to go! I would like u to give me some suggestions on if I should change anything, and sorry for the short chapters I'm writing this late at night and I'm sorta tired! But have a good rest of your day! Or night!)

613 words!

Another day, another person. {Dave Miller x reader} discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now