Pranked (April fools special plus shout outs :)

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( I wanted to make this up to y'all-
And special shout out to wxisk_ and imonlyherecus-  I'm truly sorry!! Even tho it was for April fools- I still feel bad soo! (And sorry for the @ too)
And no this will not be continued from the story this is just a side special)

You where Walking around the pizzeria with Jeremy. You two had 1 thing in common... you both loved April fools. Hehehe you decided you both wanted to play a prank on both Phil and Dave. What could go wrong.

You start as Phil's office and start planning.

"Y/N do you really think this is a good idea?" Jeremy asked you.

"Of course!! It I'll be funny for the best part." You said wile writing things down.
Dave and Phil where not exactly there yet. Or so you thought. You planned 4 possible things you can do. So you started.
You grabbed a bucket and filled it with some water (this is a classic- I do this every year) and you carefully placed the bucket of water on top of Phil's door.

"That I'll get him" you said carefully walking in his office so you would not get the water to spill. Next you got some thumbtacks (see what I did there;) and placed them on his seat one by one. Then you grabbed a role of clear duck tape and opened his drawer and wrapped it around the drawer so he couldn't get anything out.
"What is Mr.Guy fires us?" Jeremy asked slowly walking in to the door.

"JEREMY DONT!" You said.

"What" he asked

"Look up" you replied.
He mouthed 'oh'
"Yeah-" you said again.
Now... time for the final prank for Phil.
You took out a blank white paper and wrote 'will you marry me? ' you said wile smirking. The ink was very wet and you knew it would not dry so it would make a mess.

"Okay!! I'm done With mr.Guys prank!! Time for the Texan" you said to Jeremy wile you slowly walked out of Phil's office. You knew about him and Remnant sooo you decided to take the old animatronics out of the pizzeria for a wile. You took them to the back of the pizzeria out side.
"Sorry guys it better then getting parts ripped off tho!" You said to them. They where lifeless. You walked back in the pizzeria and you knew for some odd reason Dave liked the napkins for some odd reason. Sooo you took them all and put them in the back with the animatronics. That's all you could think for Dave.

So you walk back to the front doors. There locked..? Hm... you see Phil's car.
He must be here.
You walk to the back door because you knew that was never locked.
You jiggled the door knob.
Hm... you once again walked to the front entrance and you see the doors open. You smiled because it was open.

You push on the door.. then...

A bucket of water splashes you from above. Hm... wonder who could of done this...

You screamed.

You heard giggling from the hallway so you decided to waked down it to only see Phil's door closed shut.
You walked to the door and put your hand on the knob. To only feel a little shock from it. So you open it and not thinking you stepped in.

You rolled on some thing from the floor.
There where hundreds of marbles on the floor. So you where sliding everywhere in Phil office.

"Ah- I see I see! Come out you crafty little shits!!" You scream finally getting balanced, and grabbing on to Phil's desk... there was...


"Aw fuck..." you whispering under your breath.
You now where a mess of things. You where wet, unstable and now sticky from the glue.

You finally managed to get out of his office Unharmed some how. Letting wet hair in your face droop down in front of your eyes because you couldn't move it with your hands. You walk out into the main area. And see movement in the corner of your eye. You decided to take a rest. You sat at your favorite booth not thinking of what could happen.
Thumbtacks... of course you sat on thumbtacks.

You got up quickly looked around.
"YOU SHITS!! COME OUT" you screamed and there reply was giggling. That's when you seen a little blond heart shape hair sticking out behind a couple of boxes.
You had a evil smirk on your face. And walk to the boxes. You here the giggling grow louder wile you walk to the boxes.
You lean in the top box to see Phil, Dave and Jeremy facing the wall with there hands over there mouths.

"You know... you three are crafty. Ya know that?" You said, grabbing both Phil's and Dave's ear so they stand up.

"APRIL FOOLS" they all screamed and Jeremy had a tube of confetti and blew it in your face.
"Oh you three are done now" you said wile they ran around the pizzeria wile You tried to catch them.

You three had fun for the whole day.
All fun and games!!

(854 WORDS

no this chapter is not going it was last minute but I really felt bad for what I did so I made this :P )

Another day, another person. {Dave Miller x reader} discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now