Out of touch

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( there is a song above that goes with this chapter so it's above here-and tbh it's one of my favorites!!)

Dave's eyes widened at what you said. He looked around the car pulling on his collar. He was sweating like crazy at this point. He also had a worried smile on his face. How did you know? Well it's obvious. He had everything that William had. His tooth, his smiles, his hair that was brown grow-ing in, his eyes and the spring lock scars. He had everything William had- including his "Afton charm"

"Uh... um..." Dave beginning to speak.

"I wont tell" you whispered in his ear wile Phil and Jeremy where talking. Dave nodded. His face was now red from being caught.

You leaned back into your seat. Phil looked at you from the mirror and had a sad expression in his eyes but yet he had a smile. You wondered what happened with you and Phil... you knew William was protective over you... but Phil..? Phil was the nicest person you ever met!! Was William jealous? Just then Phil glanced over at William (or Dave) and his smile weakened. It's like William did something to him... did he... say something to Phil? Like a threat? Because ever since the date Phil seemed to be scared around Dave (or William) but you could tell he was trying to hide it. ( oh my- how did someone guess this I just looked at some comment on  my last chapter and it was my plan 😅 ) Welp... your stuck in the car for a wile so better make the best of it!
You leaned over to turn up the music and made the music blast. The song was
Out of touch.
You began to sing along.

Shake it up is all that we know
Using the bodies up as we go
I'm waking up to fantasy
The shades all around aren't the colors we used to see
Broken ice still melts in the sun
And times that are broken can often be one again

You looked at Phil and Jeremy who started to sing along too

We're soul alone
And soul really matters to me
Take a look around
You're out of touch
I'm out of time
But I'm out of my head when you're not around
You're out of touch
I'm out of time (time)
But I'm out of my head when you're not around
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Reaching out for something to hold
Looking for a love where the climate is cold
Manic moves and drowsy dreams
Or living in the middle between the two extremes
Smoking guns hot to the touch
Would cool down if we didn't use them so much, yeah
We're soul alone
And soul really matters to me
Too much
You're out of touch
I'm out of time
But I'm out of my head when you're not around
You're out of touch
I'm out of time
But I'm out of my head when you're not around
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're out of touch
I'm out of time
But I'm out of my head when you're not around
You're out of touch
I'm out of time
But I'm out of my head when you're not around
You're out of touch
But I'm out of my head when you're not around
You're out of touch
I'm out of time
Not around
You're out of touch
I'm out of time!!

You sat back giggling, so did Jeremy and Phil. But William on the other hand looked mad. Jeremy had a very happy face. And Phil... he tried his best to look happy. You loved spending time with them! Even though it was the "morning" And you hated getting up early. But, you loved spending time with your annoying
Friends!!! You spent time alone before you met them, and you felt loved with them... you danced happily back and forth in your seat. Just thinking about how difficult it would be with out them.

Then you realized... wait... William..
He- he killed kids!! He killed your best friend Fritz! And your bosses kids!! He almost killed Phil!! What was I thinking!
Loving... him... would be like... like...
Dying...? Or flying...? Would you love him the same as Dave? Or William??

(724 words sorry for the short chapter!!

Last week in the hospital!! Then I have to get surgery for my skull- yay...

I have a question, how do y'all want the story to end?? Just give me ideas, and I'll see what I can do!! And it depends on how the story ends... I might make a sequel 🤔

Yours truly Kota ❤️)

Another day, another person. {Dave Miller x reader} discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now