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To your urge of trying to get William to break his Dave character in front of the others, you are awfully close to it.

"Yeah, Mr. Afton had a wife, I always hated her guts" you said smirking, William or Dave keeps giving you a glare.
" I don't know how he even had kids with her!!!" You added. William at this point looked like he was going to kill you.

"Yeah... and to believe you liked Mr.Afton for the whole time he worked with us. He was a killer, and you knew that from the start, Y/N" Phil said looking at you from the mirror in the car.

You blushed at Phil embarrassing you, him not knowing Mr.Afton was here and he spilled a huge secret you knew. You pulled on the collar of your shirt.
You where now sweating, your hair was getting soaked from the sweat, and you looked like a tomato.

"Yeahhhh, ha- uh- I mean- he was attractive..." you blurt out.
Regretting the words you said, you pulled out a pocket knife,
"But I will never forgive him for killing Fritz..." you whisper under your breath wile you flicked the knife open, the knife that once belonged to Fritz.

"Woah woah there Y/N!!!" Jeremy said looking at the open knife in your hand. You sigh and close it putting it back in your pocket.
"Good Y/N, Good Y/N" he added.

"Speak to me like a dog again and see what happens" you growled at him.
William on the other hand looked impressed at your sudden action.

"Darling Y/N, i do not think talking this out with him is going to work... why don't ya pull out the knife again?" William said in his fake Texan accent. You glared at him.

"Of for Fuck sake!!" You snapped at him. Phil gave you a look, a look of sadness and anger, you didn't know what the look was for.

"What darling?" William said putting his hand on yours "you don't like violence?" He added. Phil gave him a look.

"Mr.Miller, leave Y/N alone" Phil said giving William a look that said
'I will kill you if you don't stop'

"Thanks Phil" you said.

"It's Mr.Guy to you" he replied giving a slight attitude. On the other hand... he looked hurt.
Your heart shattered into a million.
You sat back in the seat.
William had a smug look on his face.

"Oh, Mr. Manager... what is with the hate on Y/N" William said with a huge smirk on his face.
"Don't you love them? Or did ya move on?" He added.
Phil looked at you in the mirror, he had a look on his face that read 'I'm sorry'

"Yes I moved on..." Phil said.
Your eyes started to tear up.
You looked out the window.

"Aww Darling don't be sad!!" William said wile looking at you.
Phil looked at you again.

"W-what did I do wrong?..." you said as a fear fell.
Jeremy started to rub your back trying to calm you. He knew when you where upset, it would be hell for everyone around you.

"It's okay... I'm sure Mr.Guy had his reasons why he moved on" Jeremy said wile still trying to calm you down. You reached into your pocket and grabbed Fritz's knife. The knife comforts you, only because it was your best friends knife.
You may had been older then Fritz, but he was still his best friend.

"Not helping" you growled at him, making him flinch because you not only where now in a bad mood, it's because you where in a bad mood and had a knife.

"Listen... Y/N-" Phil started.
"I wasn't thinking. Your a co-worker, and it would not be professional if you and i where together" he finished.

"Then. Then why Did you say you love me" you semi yelled gripping on to the knife harder making your knuckles white.
Everyone in the car flinched at your yelling.
"Then why did you kiss me?" You said annoyed. Phil sighed

"I- I don't know" Phil said glaring at William with a look that read
'Are you happy?'.
Phil knew he broke your heart again

"And to know i trusted you..." you said out loud.
"This is why I don't trust people. They say they do mean things, and they don't, they just leave me" you said wile tears where dripping down your face.
"And why did you want me on this trip? Huh? To annoy me? Because I hate all of you here." You said out of anger, not really meaning anything.

"Darling, you don't mean that, your just mad" William said to you. You nodded out of agreement.
"How about since Phil over here ,left you sad and broken, we go on a date of our own?" William said once again in his Fake Texan accent.

Before you could answer Phil cut in saying "They are not going anywhere"

"Why? You clearly moved on, you don't control me!" You growled.
Phil sighed.

"I- I just don't want anyone to break your heart again... especially him" he said giving you a sad apology look.
You replied with a annoyed "mhm"

William suddenly turned around in his seat, and kissed you on the... the... the lips.  Phil grabbed him by the shirt pulling him back to his seat, some how keeping his eyes on the road still, you could tell Phil was pissed... yet he said he had
"Moved on" it looked as if he hadn't,.

(925 words....

OKAY SO SORRY FOR THE PAUSE AND DELAY OF THIS CHAPTER IM SUPPOSED TO BE RESTING- ANDDD (off topic) I WENT TO COURT THIS WEEK SOO YEA... lawsuit Was given to the person who hit me- and apparently they where a taxi driver


(Also sorry for the spelling mistakes)

Love yours truly
Kota )

Another day, another person. {Dave Miller x reader} discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now