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so im back! sorry if my writing is a bit rusty! but imma try anyway!
this is a huge time skip from were we left off, to the time where William leaves- since a lot happened from the last time i wrote, i am doing this.

but this chapter will be when william leaves.

lets get in to it.


       You woke up to loud banging at your door, and you are angrily and half asleep walking down your stairs.

the banging continues.

"Okay! okay! hold the fuck up!" you say nearing the door.
you yanked the door open to see William with a dead rose in hand.

"Will-" you started but before you could finish he hugged you.

"Im sorry," he said squeezing harder.

"Wow, William Afton said sorry? what did he do now that will piss me off?" you said jokingly.

He pulled away from the hug, looking in your eyes.

"Im leaving," he said. Your face dropped.

"ha ha very funny Will," you said "Leaving? i don't think you have it in you," you said playfully slapping his arm.
"so what ya actually he for?" you asked leaning on the door frame.

"I am not Joking, im leaving" he said extending the dead rose to
you. "as a goodbye gift." he said.

"will, if this is a joke its not funny" you said again. He shook his head, pulling you into another hug. Your eyes started to fill with tears, "why?" you choked out.

"Because there is nothing here for me anymore," he said, pulling away from your looming form, he looked in your eyes, "i love you" he said before he ejected something into your arm.

"i love you too will"
you said before everything turned black.



      You woke up in your bed the next day, thinking if what had happened the night before was a dream.

     You looked down at your arm, a tiny hole in your arm tells you it wasn't a dream. Plus the dead rose on your night stand along with a poorly written note also said it wasn't a dream.

    you carefully sat up, grabbing your head because it was killing you.

the note read,

Dear y/n

     I am sorry for everything, like waking you up, ejecting you with remant and leaving, but i will come back, i promise you, i dont Phil and the rest to know i am gone. but as you know, i love you and i know im not the best at showing it, but i tried i really did, till next time my love

William Afton

     Wait remant? he fucking ejected you with rement?!?

    as you set down the note you had a few tears go down your cheek. You traced your fingers over the sloppy but heartfelt words.

He left, like every single person in your life.

He left.

Your mom, your dad, your aunt and uncle who died after taking care of you because your parents didn't want you.
Like Fritz, Cassidy and her siblings.
Like Mr. Guy who you thought loved you.
and now like Will, who was your best friend.

Bringgg Bringgg

    you groaned and removed the tears that where on your cheek wile you gently put the note down.

You stood up and walked over to the phone picking it up.

"hello?" you said.

"y/n do you know what time it is?"
shit it was Mr. Guy.

"um-" you looked at the clock, 2:30 in the afternoon "shit" you mumbled.

"you are late!" he said.

"yeah sorry, im not feeling the best" you sniffled. shit

"are you okay? you sound like you where crying," he said his voice laced with concern.

"yeah im alright,just a cold" you say,

"he he, i thought you where crying, i was gonna say, who i have to beat up today?" he joked,
"but actually, take a few days off, ill stop by and bring some soup" he said.


"alright, thanks Mr. Guy"

"Phil" he corrected.

"alright, Phil, thank you," you said

"get better Y/N, have a good day also! bye!"  he said

"you too! bye" you said as you hung up.

Standing up, you grab the dead rose and put it in a vase with no water, and you set the note in a box.

the box was filled with pictures of you and your friends.

your carefully picked up one with You, Phil, Jeremy and Will or dave.
One tear fell.
And you just sat there.
Not moving.
you cant.
thats when you just full on bailed, with tears flowing down your face nothing stopping them.

you just sat there with nobody to comfort you.


770 words! sorry for the bad ending on this chapter and sorry for how short it is! im finally back!! got the new computer as well!!

this is not proof read

and i am a bit rusty!

love ya all still! and thank you for sticking with me on this!!

love kota ♥️

Another day, another person. {Dave Miller x reader} discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now