The break down

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      Jeremy finally noticed you. It only took ABOUT A FUCKING HOUR. How lovely... I have to spend my break which the two dorks! How fucking fun...

        Dave just stares at you, it looks like he was thinking.

"How's the two love birds" Jeremy jokes.
Your face gets red and you are now once again embarrassed. "I'm just playing Y/N, unless you do like him!" Jeremy added

"I swear on my life Jeremy- I will-" you cut yourself off again to try to keep calm.
"Jeremy please stop" you tryed to sound nice and not annoyed.

Until you remembered something
You remembered when you first seen William he had the same look on his face that Dave had right now. You looked at Dave and got up.

"Excuse me, imma go get a slushy" you said slamming your fist on the table wile you got up. You walked past Jeremy and grabbed a cup, you filled it with a slushy and it was (F/Fl) yum! It made you think of William, you loved the fact that he would always have a slushy with him on break. Then you got a idea.
You walked past Jeremy and threw the slushy on him by "accident".

"OH MY I AM SO SORRY" you exclaimed.
"Here I'll give you-"

"No need, I'll just go get changed real quick" Jeremy pouted. And he walked off.
You sat down snickering at what you just did. Dave just looked at you for a moment.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Dave asked.

"Of course I fucking did, I don't like him very much," you replied and looked at your watch, fuck it's only been 4 minutes and the break is for a hour.
You sloped down in the booth seat In announce.

"You alright there Doll" Dave asked
Your head perked up at what he called you. William always called you that, and you missed him so dearly that you could help start to cry.
You missed your old pal, even though William rarely talked to you, you miss him.

"O-oh my, Y/N- did I do something?" Dave asked, you looked at him and shook your head "no". He placed a hand on top of yours and rubbed it gently. You looked up at him removing the tears from your face. You gave a weak smile to him, and mouthed 'thank you'.

"I think imma go talk to Phi- Mr. Guy now" you got up and just before you where about to walk off, you felt a hand grab your wrist.

"Ya know, Y/N you can tell me anything" he said slightly pulling on your wrist so
You can sit down. So as he wanted, you sat down.

"So, tell me, why did you just start to cry" Dave asked, a tear rolled down your face.

"I never really told anyone except Mr. Guy" you paused, "but there was this guy that I adored and loved so much, he didn't realize though. I did so much for him" you paused to remove a tear from your face "He was about your hight, he was handsome, and British" you said and sighed " when he did do something for me, he was always the sweetest, everyone said he was a selfish prick and that I should stay away from him" you gasped for air because of you crying so much "I never thought so, until he just disappeared, so I just stopped caring about things on the job, and I lost my interest in being lovable, caring and happy. I just wanna see him again, if it's the last thing I do" your voice cracked and you started to let waterfalls go down your cheek.

Dave's pov

I did this to them, what did I do to the sweet sweet Y/N I made them miserable.
All because they loved me?!?! I already loved them, but I was told to never show affection to one. And never to cry, and that I should act like a man.

"Listen Y/N-" Dave Said accidentally  saying it with his British voice. I quickly covered my mouth hopefully they didn't here me.

Y/n's Pov

Your head jolted up looking at Dave.

"I'm going crazy" you whisper under your breath. " if I didn't fall for him I would not have gone crazy"

"N/N" You Heard it again, William, you heard William. He only knew my nick name. You look at Dave. He gives a weak smile.

"Are ya okay darling?" Dave said in a Texan accent. Yep you where just hearing things.

Or where you?

(769 words)

(Any suggestions?
Yours truly Kota)

Another day, another person. {Dave Miller x reader} discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now