The date ;)

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   "Shall we?" Phil said still holding on to your hand.

"Why of course!" You said wile your face turned red from his action. You and him started to walk to the restaurant that he had picked out for you, and plus he knew your favorite kind of food.

The place was fancy. Very fancy in fact it was also expensive. You tap on Phil's shoulder.

"Are you sure about this place, it looks expensive, Phil" you ask him, he nodded

"anything for you" he said wile grabbing your hand and kisses it again. This made you flustered,

But you didn't realize that there was a curtain blond following your every move

When the waiter finally came over to set you and Phil, Phil decided to wink at you. This made you shy and even more flustered then before.
He grabs your hand and starts to follow the waiter to your seat, you of course following behind.
You two sit down, it was fancy, there was a white table cloths and very vibrant flowers on the table with a candle.
You look around in amazement.
Why this place? Why so fancy? Did Phil like me that much? You thought to yourself over and over again.
Phil had the biggest smile on his face you could've ever seen.

"Sooo... Y/N? How was your day?" He asked with that smile.

"I mean... it was a perfect day!" You replied. You felt like someone was watching you so you looked around nervously. Phil noticed that.

"Are you alright?" He asked sounding seriously concerned about you.

"Y-yeah" you stuttered "I just feel a bit queezy" you added.

"Do you wish to leave?" He asked with his eyes filled with concerns.
You quickly shook your head no not wanting to ruin the night. Then that's when you spotted him. In the corner. With a hoodie on. Your face eyes widened and your jaw dropped. Phil looked behind him to see what you where looking at. He whipped his head back at you, his eyes where widened at who he seen staring at us.

"Is he... watching us" Phil asked pulling on his collar. You nodded in agreement.
Just then you noticed a curtain blind move into a horrible hiding place a bit closer to your guys table.

"Just" you sighed a bit before talking "ignore him I guess" you added. Phil nodded.

_Magic time skip_

The two of you ordered your food and drinks not too long after you noticed Dave watching us. You suggested phil fire him because of stalking us out side of work. Phil also been flirting with you the entire Time. But flirts that would not make you feel uncomfortable. He made you feel happy inside. Was he your lover? (sorry guys it's not a Phil X Reader it's a Dave x reader XD)
He also was probably the sweetest person you could meet. But your heart didn't feel right, it felt like you missed something. And you never wanted to break poor Phil's heart. You did like him a lot after all, he gave you things you could never dream of asking him to get. He would do anything for Y/N.

"Here you go!" The waiter gives us our drinks. We both thanked the waiter.

"Hey... um Y/N I want to ask you something" Phil said and he looked nervous.  You hummed in response.
"Would you... um- maybe- be my significant oth-" Phil gets cut off by a curtain blond boy.

"Mr. Managerrrr and lovely Y/N!" Dave said as he sat down. "Lovely seeing you two here! What's the occasion?" Dave asked Phil. Dave put a kiss on my cheek. I was shocked and made butterfly's go in my stomach. Phil looked mad before I can say anything Phil got up.

"Phil... Phil wait!" you said as he walked away. You got up to follow him. You tried to catch up to him.
"Phil wait" you said grabbing his wrist.
He turned around fast.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE Y/N!!" Phil screamed at you. You flinched at his reaction and tears begin to form in your eyes.  Phil had a look of regret in his eyes.
"Y-Y/N..." he added. You backed up from him, kinda scared of what just happened.
"I'm sorry..." he walked to you to try and comfort you.

"J-just leave me be" you said as you let the tears fall. You passed him and walked out of the restaurant. Dave walked up to Phil with a huge smirk and walked past him leaving too.

"What came over me... fuck..." phil knew he broke Y/N's heart. He made them feel like they didn't deserve anything. He made them feel small. He made the only person that cared about him small.

-mean wile with Y/N-

Y/N sat on the curb of the restaurant, just crying.

"What did I do... he hates me now... what did I do!" You screamed at yourself.

"You did nothing" the Texan blonde spoke.
"He's just a ass, that's all," he added.
Phil was listening from a distance.
"He doesn't care about you. I bet. He probably just used you..." Dave said in a calming voice.

"Use me for what, I'm fucking worthless" you said looking up at the sky.
This made phil angry at what Dave said.
"I don't feel like going back to work, can you handle my shift for tomorrow?" Y/N asked the blonde.

"Of corse" he replied patting Y/N's head.

"Fuck off Dave!!!" Phil said comming from around the corner.
"I don't hate Y/N! I love them! I got mad because of you that's why! You ruin everything, you ruined my job, my car, my love of my life!" He stopped to take a deep breath and he looked at Dave with anger, then looking at you with disappointment for himself. He walked past Dave to get to you.

"You know I love you... right." Phil said trying to calm down Y/N. They looked at him with a slight smile, and sooner or later you felt a pair of lips on yours. Not Dave's... but Phil's...

(1020 words!!

Trust me it's going to get better with you and Dave!! Not just Phil (hint hint) and btw this is off of events of blueycapsules, it will not have exact words from the comic!!! 

Yours truly Kota

Ps I sorry for the late and short chapter I'm still in the hospital and I'm not really sopose to be doing anything)

Another day, another person. {Dave Miller x reader} discontinued!Where stories live. Discover now